Pretty little boxes

Apr 06, 2009 21:28

A fun icon meme!

1. Reply to this post, and I will pick six of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

brightedelweiss chose these for me!

Keywords: DWho - through time and space
Made by: ownthesunshine
Commentary: I've always been at least fond of Doctor Who, so for a while I had this icon for whenever the topic came up. It's so soft and atmospheric, and I just love the colors. One of my favorite things about Doctor Who is how it's this incredibly epic and ridiculous space show, but it has this lovely rural British sensibility to it, and that's just captured by this silly police box out in a field.

Keywords: Merlin - Arthur profile
Made by: desafiante
Commentary: Mostly.... ooh, pretty? I have a major thing for Arthur (Bradley), but he's a little hard to capture in still form, so I was on the lookout for an icon that did justice to his sometimes overwhelming beauty. This one does that and more - just how the sunlight hits his face and glints off his hair, the hint of his red tunic, the soft background. It just makes me sigh happily every time I see it.

Keywords: BSG Kara lost
Made by: nutty_musings
Commentary: I've had a gorgeous icon of Kara laughing since season 1, but this season I felt like I needed something more serious that captured the angsty, conflicted Kara that I also love. The colors on this one are just stunning (are we sensing a trend?), and really my favorite sort, with the muted grey-green cast to everything without washing it out. I also love the cropping, and how she's in the foreground but still feels so small. My Kara! *sniff*

Keywords: BSG Lee tasty pilot
Made by: languor
Commentary: Om nom nom nom. I love Lee in his own right, but I only had an icon of him with Kara, so I decided to remedy that... with an icon of him wet and naked. Sweet! There's very little artistic redeeming quality to this one, it's just tasty. Unf.

Keywords: [WM] Sadface
Made by: sealings
Commentary: I adored this icon on sight. I love the idea of turning an already ironic symbol on its head. You make the bloody smileyface... sad! It just tickles me greatly. It's been surprisingly useful in my forays into Watchmen fandom. Subtly poking fun at the angst-and-woe-ness of the story, but still paying homage to its greatness.

Keywords: [WM] Matthew smushyface
Made by: redumbrellas
Commentary: MATTHEW, your FACE. This is from his unspeakably priceless NYT Screen Test interview, which I have listened to so many times I can recite parts of it from memory. He just smushes his face up! And makes a ridiculous noise! And I'm in love with him. "Don't worry about the wine. Oh hang on! You're going to be greeted by St. Peter, with a huge smile. I'm ready!" *draws enormous sparkly hearts*

Aaaand - go!

icon meme, meme

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