Farewell, gay crazy space vampire show <3

Jan 11, 2009 16:14

So I watched the last Atlantis.

I'm okay with it! It had a lot of really classic - that is to say, ridiculous - Atlantis tropes. John offering to give up his life to save all of humanity! Rodney's genius saving everything - again! Caldwell being hot and gruff and in charge, but the Daedalus getting its ass whupped! Ronon being badass and snarky! Zelenka being ballsy and awesome! HI LORNE HI! John and Todd having really inappropriate chemistry! Truly ludicrous deus ex machina! It even had KAVANAGH!

The only thing it lacked was a scene in which John and Rodney were epic boyfriends, but we all know that already. They did have that scene where they were finishing each other's sentences <3 And I loved that they were the last two through the gate, a team to the bitter end.

And of course they parked the city by San Francisco. I can't wait for the stories in which they take advantage of the location :D

I don't have a lot of thinky things to say. I loved this show, and it will always have a dear place in my heart. I can't help but feel that a lot of the awesome was almost by accident, though, and that was never more evident than during this season when they started to seriously drive the show over a cliff. I'm glad that the material is now in our hands. This fandom has always astonished me with its vastness of vision, its richness of thought, its depth of emotion. So many unbelievably powerful tales have come from its creative energy. I know that we will not forget John, Rodney, Teyla and Ronon any time soon. We'll keep them alive as they deserve to be. So this is not so much a goodbye as the end of an era.

I made a bit of a picspam over in Cate's entry, here and here. Something of a catalogue of their darling, silly faces. We were given so very much joy in this show. Tao of Rodney, Echoes, Doppelganger, Miller's Crossing, The Storm and The Eye, Harmony, The Shrine, and many more.

Farewell Atlantis! You brought me much joy, and great friends, and David Hewlett. ♥

stargate atlantis, tv

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