Dec 21, 2008 21:49


Thank you to all for the lovely comments on my post pleading for happy, because they were ADORABLE and totally picked me up in the morning when I needed it <333 KITTIES and BABIES and HAMSTERS, oh my! :D

My exam was actually fine, after all of that! It was much more straightforward than I expected, no big curveballs, and I think I did quite well! He handed back my paper afterwards and I got a big fat A, with some lovely comments (and a smileyface!) which was super awesome. I might have preserved my 4.0 after all! \o/

And now I am DONE DONE DONE. I got home and did some cleaning, because our apartment is a BOMB ZONE, and then me and the roomies went out for pizza and I had a lovely pint of Yuengling, and now I'm pleasantly warm and buzzed and Michelle and I are watching Merlin and the Colin and Bradley video diaries, which. HEARTS OMG. These booooys. We're on episode 11 and I'm v. excited! :D

I SURVIVED THIS SEMESTER!!!! *flops* I just. WOW. I can't quite believe it! :DDDDD Maybe now I'll be more of a person on LJ and less of a "life sucks so let's talk about Jeremy!" person, which, I am sorry :P When BSG picks up again I'll DEFINITELY be flailing about that, and Supernatural, and DOLLHOUSE!!!!!!! I also am starting an infatuation with Merlin so that will be out and about. And if those MCR boys keep being ridiculous dorks? They will certainly be on the menu as well :D (As if anyone could question that!) Soooo, yes! I AM BACK! \o/

jeremy, mehl, merlin, senior, rl, college, exams

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