Making light of these dark days

Dec 20, 2008 09:36

rain_dances's post about leaving San Jose (:( I'm sorry sweetie) compelled me to take a look at what Lonely Planet has to say about my fair Dublin, and...

Yes, this. Exactly.

I'm so glad I wasn't imagining it. Dubliners are the most wonderful people ever. SIGH CAN I GO BACK?

Today is going to be an awful day. I have to spend every second I can force myself to studying for my biochem final. He gave us 6 multipart questions, 2 or 3 of which will be on the final so we have to do them all. I've "gotten through" 3 of them, which means gotten semi-acceptable answers for most of the parts, I'm COMPLETELY STUCK on one, and need to tackle the last two. This does not even begin to approach reading all my notes, studying other peoples' presentations because there will be a question on those, and freaking the fuck out in general.

D: D: D: D:

(PS Michelle and I have gotten to 1x10 of Merlin. IT HAS GOTTEN SO GOOD!!!!! The last, like, FIVE episodes have been AMAZING. I LOVE ARTHUR SO MUCH *FLAPS HANDS*. I will flail in detail later because obviously no time nowwww ugh.)

mehl, merlin, dublin - missing, senior, rl, college, exams

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