Fucking fuck fuck.

Nov 30, 2008 23:57

First, thank you for all the sweet comments on my last entry. I really appreciate them, but may not get back to them due to the next two weeks' goal to SUCK MY SOUL.

And this was not an auspicious beginning.

I just drove back to school. It should have taken 5 hours. Instead it took 8.

This is my sad face.

First: It was raining. Constantly. The entire time. GROSS.

Second: The holiday traffic made it take TWO HOURS to go ten miles and get over the Tappan Zee Bridge. Driving a stick shift. Yeah.

Third: My tail lights have stopped working? We replaced the fuse, but people started flashing their lights at me so we checked and yep. Out again. We replaced the fuse again, hoping it would last us here, but no. Dead. I drove three hours with hazard lights on.

Fourth: I was cruising at 50 MPH and didn't realize I was coming to a stupid traffic light on what's basically a highway, so I tried to come to a fast stop and my wheels did not like the wet pavement. We fishtailed a bit and I had to yank myself into the left turn lane to not hit someone. It turned out fine, but it was fucking scary.


:(, senior, rl, college, emo

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