So I should probably do some work and/or eat some food today, but the internet has just been TOO AWESOME! Also, it is raining and gray, which always fails to motivate me.
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I just. WHAT. THEY MADE IT THEMSELVES!!! With the dancing and the FURRY and the clapping and the lipstick and the giggles and the falling over and the DANCING. I don't even know what to DO with them! UGH BOYS HEARTS. I get to see them in a WEEK omg!!!!! Possibly on barrier in a massive arena, during which I might DIE, but it will be a happy death indeed! :D
- Fall Out Boys nomg! America's fucking Suitehearts! It's SO GOOD. All loud and catchy with the most delicious guitar riffs, but slow and beautiful too, and NOM NOM NOM. It's the kind of song that makes me dance around my room ridiculously and play air guitar, then switch to hairbrush microphone for the beautiful verses. <333333
- Also, Guy Ripley on the set of I Don't Care! I LOLED. My favorite part is Ryland and Gabe reenacting the "Charlie bit me!!!" video, which me and my Dublin girls LOVE RIDICULOUSLY, so I appreciated that shout out :D
- I skipped over to The Used's Myspace to see if there was any stuff from their new album, and they had a link to a teaser, but the LINK DIDN'T WORK D: However, it did take me to a video director's website, where I found the video for Against Me!'s "Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart", which is definitely my favorite song off the album New Wave. I didn't know who the female guest vocalist was, but it's Tegan or Sara! It's a beautiful vid, and I have gained a new appreciation for the very attractive Against Me! lead singer :D (Note to self: find out his name!)
- Saturday's a slow day in politics, but the headline at Huffington is about how the Republicans and particularly the McCain camp are completely divided over Palin. Methinks you can't win an election if half of the campaign staff doesn't support the other half of the ticket. JUST SAYIN'. Meanwhile, at 538, Sean continues to abscond with my heart over and over. Today he wrote up a bit on North Dakota and why it's so ridiculously tight for the first time in, well, ever. ♥ NINE DAYS!!
- Being back in love with Supernatural is KIND OF AWESOME. The past two episodes have been exercises in fantastic lolarity. And I must say - Jensen Ackles is a fucking REVELATION. He bounces between heartwrenching drama and gutbusting humor with such astonishing ease. His little wide-eyed scared face is kind of my favorite thing ever ever <333 The new promo shots are also making me happy (inmypants) - the original post with the HQ seems to have been locked, but UGH LOOK AT THEM. With the cheekbones and the forearms and the eyes and the body language and I just. OM NOM NOM. (They live together!!! *expires*)
*deep breath* Phew! It's been a long time since I've been so spazzy about fandom. I totally didn't even mention Gerard namedropping Alfonso Cuaron for the Umbrella Academy movie (!!!!) or claiming that he wouldn't survive the Zombiepocalypse (SADFACE!)! TOO MUCH AWESOME, WORLD. I don't have TIME. I have lab reports and and... okay, well, just lab reports right now. Which is kind of awesome :D