Sep 30, 2008 17:16
Lalala school sucks lalala huge lab report due tomorrow lalala I didn't start it until today lalala kill me now.
Kinda blew off my research to come home early and start working on this. I'm making... progress. Of a sort. I think tonight will be a 4 AM kind of night. At least. However, I did go to bed at 11:30 last night, so I feel chipper and alert! That's something, right?
I had the lovely good fortune of running into Prof Moss on my way home this afternoon. He was just coming back to his office from getting coffee. I asked if he had a minute and he said of course, so I came up to his office and we chatted for, oh, half an hour. He's such a sweetheart! Far and away the most interesting new person I've met this year. I am so over American college students, ha.
So anyway, I first asked him about some more guidelines for the paper we've got due in a couple weeks, since the syllabus is exceedingly vague. He gave me a couple more things that he's looking for, and I made sure that it's okay that I do my paper on Brick instead of the movie he's assigned, since I want to be ~independent and shit. :P [Observation: the tilda thing (~) is the new "like" on the internet, am I right?] Then, mostly because I wanted to have an actual conversation about real things, I asked him what his opinion is on people doing grad school abroad. That tipped off a whole conversation about grad school, what his experience was like (masters in film at Ohio State, huge party school), what my experience in Ireland was like, the ridiculousness of the 21 drinking age, why they make Guinness so heavy, and sundry other things. It was so relaxing and lovely! When I got home I found a really sweet email from him that he had sent before I met with him. Backstory: yesterday, I went to his office hours but he didn't answer the door. At the film screening yesterday night, I asked him why not, and he sheepishly admitted that he'd fallen asleep at his desk. AWW. So the email said this:Hi Anne -
I know you are busy, but please feel free to come to my office any time during the week. I can make it so I am available. Yesterday was a fluke - a much needed nap after an unrestful weekend.
Hope all is well,
Seriously, how so cute? I'm so glad to have this class and him as a professor, it's such a welcome breath of fresh air from the stressball that is the rest of my time.
Speaking of, I need to get back to this damn lab report. I hate you, HPII catalase!!!! :P