Another post about politics, wtf

Sep 07, 2008 03:07

Thoughts before I go to bed:

This week's SGA played like a horror movie! I was so confused, and rather impressed. I think Joe Flanigan accidentally walked onto the wrong set (where there were GIRLS) and the cameras followed him. Whatever, it worked, and it scared the shit outta me, while giving us four interesting and distinct female characters, and confirming my belief that Carson is a whiny bitch who has very misplaced patriarchal inclinations. Hate me if you want, I just call em as I see em.

Sarah Palin scares the fuck out of me too. I hate her rather passionately. If you haven't read the email written about her by a woman from Wasilla, Alaska, you should. It paints a level-headed, fact-filled picture of Sarah Palin as a ruthlessly ambitious, greedy, self-serving, frighteningly savvy woman who will do anything to get more people to look at her. Fun piece of trivia: when she became mayor of Wasilla, the town of ~5,000 had a balanced budget. When she left, it was in debt by $22 million. The main expenditure? A $15m sports facility. Oh yeah. This is who we should trust to help rebuild our shattered economy.

I have faith in Obama, and I have faith in Biden. I know that they won't sink to Palin's level of underhanded shit-slinging. But I'm afraid that that could be their downfall. That the masses will listen to her viciousness and get little thrills down their spine because hey, that woman sure is emphatic! she must be right! Politics (and particularly political campaigns) disgust me in that they often turn on the lowest common denominator, to whom the intelligence and passion of Obama is completely beside the point. They care more that Sarah Palin once drove her kid back and forth from hockey practice. I saw a Republican refer to Obama in the comments on a political blog as "a nasty, ambition, parochial, disingenuous, Chicago machine politician, with a good education but very skewed world view and questionable associations" and I was absolutely floored. If you have spent even five minutes watching Obama speak, how does the word "nasty" even approach your consciousness? HOW DOES THAT WORK? I fundamentally do not understand such drastic divides of perception between myself and others, which is why I have such a hard time engaging with politics in any way, and why my discussions with my roommate, who appreciates the political savvy of the Palin choice and everything she's done though he does not agree with it, often get quite heated.

Ugh. I just meant this to be a short bullet point on how much Sarah Palin horrifies me. I apparently have a lot to say on the subject. I'm sorry to those who don't like to hear about this (although, as someone who usually goes "ew, politics", I think right now is the time to be paying attention if you're American) but I think right now I NEED to say something. I have never before cared so passionately about a political election. That both excites and scares me. Just thinking about the possibility of Obama losing brings tears to my eyes. (I'm not lying. literally. right now.) I'm scared of what it would do to our country, but I'm also scared of what it would do to me. I think my faith in basic human goodness would be very fundamentally shaken, if not shattered. It scares me a lot.

If you have a favorite political blog or source of info on the campaigns, could you point me to them? I'm finding myself wanting to actually be very informed on this, so that I can discuss it passionately without getting stymied by questions I cannot answer, as often happens to me. I want to back up my gut feeling with FACTS, of which I know there are gazillions.


obama, episode reactions - sga, politics, sga

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