We The Kings, The Hush Sound, The Cab, etc! Yay!

Aug 27, 2008 23:33

I just went to see We The Kings at my local venue and they were adorable! I'm not sure their adorableness was worth going by myself and waiting through three semi-decent opening bands standing in the very hot balcony, but they were still adorable and I made it so there's no point whingeing :) They're a lot of fun live, and Travis seems like an absolute sweetheart. He told a story about how 2 days ago Hunter jumped off a bridge (?!? he did not clarify why!) and landed on a kayaker. Um. Hunter ended up with a huge gash that required nine stitches, but they did not elaborate on the condition of the kayaker! Oh how faily, silly boys. Speaking of Hunter, HIS HAIR WAS SHORT. Either he cut it and I wasn't aware, or he had to get it cut to have the stitches put in D: Very depressing, as I found him extremely attractive with the long hair. His brother Drew was like a ninja on bass, quietly doing his thing, it was pretty awesome. And I'm a big fan of Travis's hair you guys - it goes all over the place!

Their set was short but fab. Check Yes Juliet, of course, and they opened with Skyway Avenue, which is my personal favorite. They also played Secret Valentine and Whoa, and probably at least 2 more but I don't remember which. Whoa is really fun with a whole room singing along. It was very very crowded, much more than I anticipated - so many teenies! I was just lucky it wasn't sold out.

One of the opening bands was called Kingsfoil. Their singer had floppy bleache blonde hair and was quite attractive and funny, but he was the most faily dancer I've ever SEEN. It was lolarious. It mostly amounted to sitting back on his heels and moving his butt from side to side. Hilarity.

While I'm talking about concerts, I might as well ramble about HUSHIES!!!! Of all the bands I could have seen twice, I'm really really glad it was them, because wowwww I adore them ridiculous amounts.

The first night, I was not working on very much sleep, and I'd had a miserable drive, so for the openers I was headachey and impatient and didn't get much out of them. However, the next day, I paid attention and I ADORED Morning Light. I find the two singers thing to be adorable, and the keyboardist/guitarist/singer guy (whose name, I believe, is Harrison) with floppy blonde hair was the cutest thing I've ever seen. I really enjoyed their set a lot. Does anyone have their album? candidlily perhaps? I'd love to hear it.

And then Steel Train was just so much fun. That's pretty much what I got out of it. I loved when they all sang together, and I loved how members of Morning Light kept coming on stage. The singer of ML came on once and slapped the guitarist on the ass, shared a mic with him for a while, and then blew him a kiss before he went off stage. It was precious. The lead singer of ST is spastic and reminds me a lot of one Bden Urie. Overall they were totally win too.

Thennnn Cab babies. Okay, they're very good live, and I really like a couple of their songs. But Cash irritates the hell out of me (WE KNOW YOUR BASS SAYS CFOB.COM, STOP FLIPPING IT OVER), and when Singer says things like "Has anyone heard of us?" just to get screams, well. Meh. I had a lot of fun watching Marshall flip his hair about though, and try and fail to make sexy faces. I also enjoy Ian a lot a lot. However, I don't understand how ANYONE finds Johnson attractive. He looks all sleazy and greasy. Yuck. ANYWAY. Singer sang "A Whole New World" when a girl in the audience asked on Friday, and he also started us up with a snippet of 'NSync. I have video of the Aladdin bit later in the post. Oh Singer. I do like his voice.

THEN HUSHIES!!!!!! They're just... so fabulous, you guys. We got a great spot about five back from barrier way on Greta's side of the stage, so we were super close to her and we were either in a draft or air conditioning, which was awesome. I was very pleased, especially as there was no one behind us, so no pushing or contact at all! \o/ Greta is... incandescent in person. She absolutely glows. She had her hair down to start and then kept putting it up because it got too hot. She apparently took that lesson to heart because the next day she came on stage with it up in pretty french braids. I was glad I got to see it down because it's beautiful. And Bob - okay, Bob is thoroughly attractive to me now. I never saw the appeal before but he's got a lot of presence and he's a great performer and I am enamored! On Saturday I was more in the middle and could see Chris better, and hot DAMN he is pretty. I lovelovelove the scruff on him and hope he doesn't lose it. Ditto Bob. And DARREN!!!! He wore a basketball jersey both nights, and is just the most ridiculous, happy, wonderful boy ever. I heart him a lot a lot.

They opened with the beautiful piano and Greta bit from the beginning of Goodbye Blues (video below), then went right into Love You Much Better. I love that song! They played pretty much all of my favorites except A Dark Congregation. Hurricane is goooorgeous live (also video below), and Molasses is a rollicking good time. They also played Honey, Medicine Man, As You Cry, Not Your Concern, We Intertwined, Wine Red, Sweet Tangerine, Don't Wake Me Up, and Momentum, not in anything resembling that order (though Momentum was the encore). As for special things, there was lots of fun shenanigans - they played their Back to the USSR cover, which is awesome, and We Believe In (Barack Obama) which is SO much fun live. Darren rapping is a thing of joy and beauty, as is Greta frolicking with a tambourine. They closed with a cover of Tom Petty's "Last Dance with Mary Jane," for which many members of the other bands came up and sang verses, including Ian, who also played harmonica and keyboard! Geez, Ian! Multitalented much? He's amazing. On Saturday, Harrison (aforementioned cute blonde from Morning Light) came up and played keyboard with them some, which I enjoyed muchly. There was a lot of shenaniganating and preciousness and I had THE BEST TIME EVER EVER! My little sister LOVED the show so much, and I was really glad. I'm afraid I've gotten her addicted to concerts at a very young age, whoops! And Michelle totally fell in love with the Hushies, so yay! \o/

Now for a few pictures and videos :) I sadly don't have any pictures or videos from Saturday when I had a much better view of Darren and Chris, because my battery died :( :( Oops. Oh well.

The Morning Light

Steel Train


Singer rambling and then singing Aladdin

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Greta doing the intro, so beautifully!

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Yay concerts! Next up - Reggie and the Full Effect, haha. Without Leathermouth, sadly! Oh Frank, why do you abandon me?

bandom - the cab, concert reports, bandom - we the kings, concerts, bandom - hushies, bandom - hushies - concert report

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