(no subject)

Aug 18, 2008 16:05

So hai, it's my natal day! I'm TWENTY-ONE! :O I know, I'm shocked. And I'm hitting the liquor store right after work. \o/ Sadly, I am not hitting a bar or anything more fun, because I am completely and utterly alone in this godforsaken town, BUT! Saturday was deeply, deeply awesome (nothing will ever top birthday hugs from Sean Van Vleet, NOTHING) and I had my bestests with me afterwards, so yay. I also get a second celebration next week when I toddle up to CT (after seeing HUSHIES in Philly!!!!) and hang with the fam. I miss my daddy.

Thank you so much to everyone who's given me birthday wishes! You've brought me many smiles during a slow day at work, ILU.

A long report and lots of pretty pictures of the Empires show are forthcoming! I'm being very verbose so it's kind of taking a while. >.<

MEANWHILE, I finished Due South season 3!!! Bwee! Ack RayK and Fraser how so awesome? clayeer recommended Speranza's fic to me, so I am now inhaling! Siiiiigh boys in love. Nom nom. Is season 4 awesome too? Do I have goodies to look forward to? :)

Now I'm going to leave work early (because my reaction didn't proceed as planned, let's not talk about it) and call Dara! Hopefully he won't be busy like the last 20 times I've tried to call him, sigh.

Much love, darlings <3

due south, my birthday, concerts, bandom - empires, summer 08

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