Turn round round round...

Aug 06, 2008 23:30

One of my most FAVORITE things to do is to decorate bedroom walls. It's hard when you move at least twice a year, and when I've mostly had dorms with one wall to myself, but now I finally have my OWN room with four walls at my disposal! And let me tell you, I've made the most of it :D From MCR to Supernatural, Harry Potter to Atlantis, I've got a zillion hot people staring at me as I got to sleep every night. I love it! So you get to have a tour. Click for MASSIVE, if you're so inclined.

This is my messy bed and the middle of my room, to give us a starting point. Now we'll turn to the right!

My closet doors. The poster at the top left is the ad for my high school's production of Peter Pan, in which I was Wendy :) The Darfur poster is from an Amnesty International event at my school. And that's poster 1 of the MyChem boys! Old school, sweaty hotasses <3

I love that LOTR poster so so much. And Mikey with his bass. And WHO'S YOUR DADDY? Hee. The blue picture on the left is ME with the Hewletts! And right next to it is the orange fleece of JOY which David signed :D There's fullsize number 2 of MCR boys - WAAAYS. Ugh <3

Mmmm Prisoner of Azkaban <3 Boondock Saints! <333 FAITH! <333333 I really love this wall. There's my newest MCR poster, from the same era as the first. Om nom nommmmm.

Buffy! (S3, the BEST) EWAN! Fall Out Boy furries, hilarious! Paaaaanic babies, HUGE. Brendon's face is truly something. Sigh.

A bit of a zoom in on my hardcore geek section. Spaceships for the WIN, honestly. So many pretty people on them! Or hunting them!

This is my Dublin corner. There's about 50 photos there, including everyone I ever loved, and several pieces of memory. Plus MCR fullsize poster number FOUR. Yeah, I rather love their stupid faces.

Closeup on the main section. That's a poster from the Book of Kells, a 6th century monastic text on display at Trinity. I love all of those people so much.

Closeup #2. An acceptance letter, bottles of alcohol, and boys. Par for the course.

Lastly, my window ledge. There are all three of my families - the biochems (left), my actual family at my graduation, and my girls. Sigh.

Phew, that was fun!

rl pics, summer 08

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