And as we're falling down

Jul 22, 2008 23:17

I just made brownies! Besides being delicious, this has the wonderful effect of making my whole apartment smell like chocolate. Mmmmmm.

Today ended up being good! I won't go into all the nerdy chemistry details, but I was having a LOT of trouble with a reaction, and I think we figured out what the problem was! One of the materials was very old and had decomposed, so it was a dark yellow liquid with crystals. I purified it into a beautiful, perfectly clear liquid, and I am so excited to use it tomorrow and see if it makes everything work. FINGERS CROSSED!

Well crap. I just saw that took down all of its HQ photoshoots. What a total bummer, I always go there when I'm making graphics. I don't bother to save them all because they're so big, but now I wish I had. Rar :( Does anyone know of a good alternative anywhere? Or does anyone have any HQ images saved from the street urchin photoshoot? The one this picture is from. I have an HQ shot of Frankie from that shoot but no HQ of Gee or anything :(

I just added three headers to my rotation! I'm super proud of this one of Greta, and I made another of Dublin at night and one of Frank and Gee the street urchins. I am most pleased :D Rotating headers are fun! I now have three headers of Gerard at three of his most radically different stages: professor!Gerard (tousled hair, coffee and a cigarette), Black Parade!Gerard (bleached blonde, heavy eyeliner), and undead!Gerard (bruised eyes, straggly black hair). I love all of them EQUALLY. ♥_♥

I also edited my journal name, subtitle, everything to be lyrics from the Hushies' Hurricane. I love that song.

Om nom nom brownies.

I also made some new icons! Frank and Jamia being dorkfaces, Frank and Gerard being dorkfaces, Frank's multicolored arm, Frank being a sexass on stage... are we sensing a trend? That makes 18 icons containing Frank. Sigh. There's also Rodney and the ORANGE FLEECE OF JOY \o/ And also Darren's precious face. Boys! <3

I should go be productive.

rl, layout, fenlon, bandom - mcr, summer 08

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