Shore Leave 30 - Hewletts and Jewel and fangirls, ohmy!

Jul 13, 2008 23:50

HAIII INTERNETS. Oh how I have missed you.

I have been hanging out with a piece of the internets in Baltimore for Shore Leave 30, at which much fun was had, and David Hewlett's slanty smile was greatly enjoyed. I doubt I'll ever make a full recap if I don't do it now, so sorry if this is kind of brief and jumpy, but there's a few things I really want to get down!

First of all I shared a room with unamaga (whose LJ name I can finally pronounce! LOVE YOU MELBEAN), kashmir1, amberlynne, hebrew_hernia (spaghetti pizza next time love, I promise!), and tty69, all of whom were absolutely fab. Saturday night was filled with old-school SGA and Jameson. Om nom nom. I met many other lovely fangirls as well and it was a lovely time.

It was such a different experience going to this kind of con, though, as opposed to Wincon. Wincon was entirely about meeting other fans and spending time with them and getting inebriated with them, while this one very much revolved around HOMG HEWLETTS and other famous people. It was fun too, but I think I prefer the fan-only ones.

THAT IS NOT TO SAY THAT HEWLETTS ARE NOT AWESOME. Because they are. AWESOME. Even if David hates that word, sorry David <3333 And Jewel Staite is so precious I want to snuggle her, and Mark Sheppard is so snarky and smart.

Let's see, details. I have to share my personal David Hewlett encounter story because it makes me clappyhands with glee. So I had found a picture at one of the dealers that I wanted him to sign. It was this one:

I mean, eeeeee! HIS FACE. Lips! Eyes! Receding hairline! Pointy nose! Explainy hands! ORANGE SNUGGLY FLEECE OF JOY! So when he saw the picture he went "Ooh, this goes way back, to the..." and then he squinted at me with a thinkyface and I supplied "pilot!" and he echoed "pilot!" And I probably smiled hugely. So he looked down to sign it and I asked "Is it your fleece?" because earlier Mel had reminded me that there's a picture of him sleeping on a couch with Mars in it :D And he explained that "Actually, I ended up buying one just like it!" I don't remember the exact words but he told me that it was just that comfortable, and they wouldn't let him keep it because they weren't sure if he'd be sticking around! (Ack life without Atlantis?? Unthinkable.) He also said that it was "North Face... I think?" And ugh it was adorable. But the best BEST part was that after he signed it and I said "thank you" and went to walk away, he suddenly turned to me with adorable wide eyes and said "I didn't make it, I just bought it!" I probably made a NOISE and ran away and buried my face in Julie's chest. HEEEEE. David Hewlett, HOW ARE YOU SO PRECIOUS?

So that pretty much made my life. There were loads of other little encounters too. My second favorite is when we were standing in the hall outside the bathrooms talking, and suddenly someone heard someone making a high pitched noise of glee, and said "That sounds like David!" and I looked around just in time to see David's back disappearing into the men's room! We all giggled and were so amused that he was SO EXCITED to go to the bathroom. So Monica and I kinda sidled over closer to just be nearer the bathroom door when he left, and we were not disappointed. He emerged with this movie star smile like he expected people to notice him, and then he made a satisfied "Whoo!" sound, like that was really quite the adventure, going to the bathroom. UGH I LOVE HIM AND HIS FACE.

Also also, after the last David panel, we were in the hallway talking, and he emerged from the ballroom HOLDING LITTLE BAZ and walking with his beautiful wife Jane. !!!!!!! They walked RIGHT by us, like, he literally brushed my arm. His eyebrows are SO BLONDE. And his smile is SO PRETTY. And his son has the wispiest blonde hair and the beautifulest blue eyes and Jane is just so wonderful, and oh! My heaaaart.

Also^3, I got to have a one-on-one chat with Mark Sheppard! He was sitting signing autographs, and I wanted to ask him about Romo Lampkin (his character on BSG), so I did, and he was funny and SO SMART and actually really clarified his character for me, and it was amazing. I felt slightly dumb for my question but it was okay. He was really gracious about letting me ask the question, like, I didn't want to get in the way of people who were paying for autographs but he was like "no no ask your question!" He was really lovely, and I very much enjoyed his panel.

We also spoke with Jewel briefly to thank her for coming, and that was really nice. She has really hot legs, you guys. And she's such a gossip! We got all kinds of awesome tidbits from her. She told the entirety of the story of her war with Nathan Fillion on creative ways to give each other the finger. That was amazing. She talked about how after Firefly was canceled, Nathan went on set with a big box and started ripping things off the walls. He took Alliance money, and he tried to take the head of the Jayne statue. She told us the nicknames she has for other Stargate cast members - I have a video of that later in this post :D She also reprised the "I ain't had nothing twixt my nethers..." line from Serenity for us, that was adorable. Awww she was precious.

David and Kate's panel together was SO sweet. They're such SIBLINGS ♥ At the end, Kate played guitar and sang the song she sang at David and Jane's wedding, "The Way I Am" by Ingrid Michaelson. It was beautiful. I have video of that as well, but I'll link to a better version someone else already posted. Some highlights from the panel David did by himself, during which I actually took notes... he talked about the horrible photoshopped promo shots from this season, hilariously. He said he doesn't think they as a cast are all that attractive (obviously talking about himself) and dubbed season five "Unattractive People In Space". And he said they wouldn't let him wear his thong. Dammit! He also described a photoshoot they did... in a strip club? Without the strippers, of course. But sadly there was no Rodney in uniform on a pole (he said that, not me!). He did a hilarious Joe impersonation which I've also posted below. He said that Keller was an awful doctor, and when the crowd ooooh-ed, he said "The problem with doctors on Atlantis is they can only save regulars!" It was pretty priceless. Then he talked about how he needs to keep knee-pads on hand for when the script asks him to go on his knees to work on a panel, and then he GOT ON HIS KNEES and it was hilarious and wonderful. Eeeeeeee David Hewlett :D :D :D

Sooo um THAT WAS MY WEEKEND! :D Now onto the pictures and videos!

Friday, July 11

The Hewlett clan!


Saturday, July 12

There was a stargate in the hall!

David and Kate showing how they often unconsciously stand the same way. So cute.


DAVID HEWLETT YOUR FACE. This was at the signing table, just before he signed my orange fleece picture :D

Sunday, July 13

Morgan and Mark Sheppard, who were lovely and British and fun.

Malcolm MacDowell, who didn't seem super pleased to be there but who was funny sometimes.

My girls!

Jewel! ♥

They gave bunnies to all the guests because that's the mascot of shore leave. Jewel was so cute with hers.

DAVID! His scrunchy happy face! There's a lot of him, not that you mind :D

Haaand <3

Eeeee! *happysigh*

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The Hewletts introducing A Dog's Breakfast! David teases Kate, and Kate says she slept with her contacts in so she looks stoned. EVERYONE IS SO CUTE.

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Kate Hewlett singing the song. Video by kimberweeme on youtube.

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David impersonating Joe Flanigan, when Joe found the video of David impersonating Joe the FIRST time. Adooorable. "I found a video of you doing... me!" HEEHEE.

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Jewel dishes on her nicknames for David, Amanda Tapping, and Joe. <33333

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Jewel begged this to not appear on the internets, so... here it is! :D amberlynne asked her about the crush she admitted to having on Sheppard, so she went off on this whole thing about how she crushes on Sheppard but not Joe, and then talked about having a crush on MAL but not Nathan. It's all very sweet.


Boooo work in the morning. *crashes*

stargate atlantis, shore leave, cons - shore leave 30, david hewlett

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