I wanna go where everyone goes, I wanna know what everyone knows

Jul 05, 2008 02:06


I know it's been aaaages. Ever since I got to this side of the ocean. But i has a niall! From Dublin! And he brought me genuine Paddy whiskey omg! Om nom nom nom. So I am feeling pleasantly whoaaaaa this evening and it is most lovely. We sat and chattted for a few hours which was really ncie.

Today we went to a Fourth of July barbecue on campus, and I met some really awesome people, and we played WHIFFLE BALL, and I was wearing a white skirt and accidentally slid onto my ass on the wet grass (it was cloudy and drizzly today, wtf? Niall brought the irish weather with him!) so i have grass stains on it but itwas OMG SO MUCH FUN nad yay. And then tonight we walked downtown and watched a band play that a friends' friend is in, and it was kind of hippy-ish, laid back music which was quite fun, and we went to an art gallery, and then Niall and i went to a Thai/Chinese place for dinner. It was a good Fourth of July. And we even saw some fireworks from afar on the walk home.

I drunk emailed Dara and told him I miss him, hahaha whoops. I doubt he'll even check his mail though. And i also drunk voicemailed Kate. FUN.

I also played Niall some MCR stuff and he was kind of like, whoa, they're heavier than i expected, i expected really emo poppy stuff and I was like ZOMG NO THEY"RE INFLUENCED BY IRON MAIDEN AND METALLICA AND QUEEN AND LISTEN TO THOSE GUITAR SOLOS ZOMG. I don't think he was exactly converted but he certainly has a better understanding now so I am at least pleased by that :P

Happy fourth, loves! <3333

dublin - missing, dublin, college, bandom - mcr, summer 08

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