As you cry

Jun 11, 2008 12:00

Hello Livejournal.

I have so many things I want to say, feelings and stories and declarations of undying love, but I don't know if I can find the words right now. I should make this post when I am not hungover from some ungodly combination of Guinness, cranberry and whiskey, Desperados beer, tequila (from the bottle), and whatever the hell was in Dara's glass. But I wanted to put down... something. I wish I had been posting constantly for the past week, to chronicle my last days here, but I have been rather too busy experiencing said last days, so. It has been a beautiful, epic week full of friends and laughter and good, good times. I feel so blessed to have had these people, this place, this experience in my life.

The hugest goodbye last night was Louise and Paddy. I'm tearing up again just thinking about it. I put my arms around Louise and just burst into wracking sobs. I think I hugged and kissed each of them about ten times, and it was the most emotionally intense thing I've been through in a long time. They are both such beautiful, pure, kind people who have become incredibly close to my heart. I will be talking to them every day back in the States to keep myself sane.

This morning we put Cary in a taxi. It nearly broke me again.

Tomorrow I fly away. I have to say goodbye to Kate, Niall, and Dara. To say I'm not looking forward to it is the understatement of the year. Before I do that, I have to clean up our bombzone of an apartment and pack ALL of my shit. It's a rather terrifying prospect, especially given that I still have three drunk boys sleeping in various places. James is so bad off that he can't even keep down water. But I will achieve it, somehow. It's only noon.

I am just so overwhelmed by everything. I don't know if I'm strong enough for this.

biochems, boys - niall, boys, boys - dara, dublin, trinity, dublin - last week

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