Don't stop me now, cause i'm having a good time!

Jun 02, 2008 03:32

Haaaaaay guys!

So tonight i went tos ee Sex and the City with Kate, clayeer, and a lovely gay boy named Stephen. Kate felt unwell in the middle and got a taxi home :( The movie was, however, fabulous, and I teared up many times. If you have any investment in/attachment to the characters, it's a lovely, funny, moving movie. I enjoyed it every much.

Then we went to a pub where some of Stephen's friends were having a drink. I'm sorry we didn't get to talk much, Claire, I promise we'll have a real conversation soon! You were lovely!

Stephen's friends were Mark, John, and Rob. The former two were adorable and lovely (and in a relationship with each other, my heart) and Rob was nice too, if a bit odd. Mark looks a heck of a lot like my Uncle Mark, which is weird. John is an absolute sweetheart, I adore him. Then the pub was closing up, and it turned out that the guys live just around the corner (aka, just around the corner from ME, cause we were really close to my apartment) and so I went home with them and had another beer. Then they whipped out a video game, I forget what it's called, but basically you jsut sing and get graded on it. (but it's not Rockband. Only singing.) It was hilarious and awesome and I am far and above a better singer than any of them, haha. I particularly enjoyed Britney's Toxic. They were seriously such darlings, and I mourn that I didn't meet them earlier, because they're right THERE and I would have hung out with them all the damn time. As it is I invited them to my going away party because I just have to see their lovely faces again.

So that was my brief evening of being a fag hag. I loved it. Bwee!

And now it is 3:30 AM and I am quite drunk and I have an exam on Tuesday. OOPS! :D

boys, dublin, drunk, trinity

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