I have developed an inordinate fondness of the Hushies as of late. I still don't have an icon (I will rectify soon!) but I am so so excited to see their darling faces TWICE in August. I went trolling through their FOE photos and they are seriously so precious, guys. I can't even.
This picture was accompanied by a caption (I think by that Shallon chick) describing his face as a blend of puppydog eyes and deer-in-headlights. That's awesome. Chris! ♥
Darren might be my favorite.
His darling FACE.
Srsly you guys. Srsly. I'm in love with his little face.
Don't cry Greta! I love you tooo!
Especially when you are the most gigantic dork ever.
And also a PRETTY PRETTY PRINCESS. *chinhands* I wanna be her best friend, you guys.
They're also precious together. Chris is crushed! Darren will console him! <333
And ridiculous. SHIRTLESS BUTT GRABBING. Ahahaha love.
And in conclusion: Brendon Urie's applebottom.
Back to the books! Bah.