Do you guys know how fucking in love I am with Eliza Dushku? DO YOU??????
Well, IT'S A LOT. So much so that I still have TWO icons of Faith when I have no other Buffy or Angel ones. I love herrrrrr. And now she's STARRING in a new JOSS WHEDON show and that sentence right there makes me want to explode for joy. AFlkdsjdlf;kdalsdkjfa;lsdkfj.
This bout of flailing is brought on by
THE NEW DOLLHOUSE TRAILER!!!! Seriously, I'm DYIN, you guys. DYIN. (They used a Foo Fighters song too! HELLS YES!)
Eliza looks SO SEXY, she's going to kick so much ass in this role, I can't even.
Also also, there's a clip of a
one minute scene from the pilot. CUE MORE KEYBOARD SMASH. (Spoilers in both of these, obviously.) I just.... WHY DO WE HAVE TO WAIT TIL JANUARY?
*flails about* Yaaaaaaaay ElizaandJoss :D:D:D
In more personal joy inducing news, my darling wonderful friends are setting up a trip to an island off the west coast of Ireland for a weekend after exams!! I AM SO EXCITED!!! Three of my MOST FAVORITE people are going, Louise and Paddy and NIALL, and I seriously could not have asked for a better trip to close off my days here. It's going to be sunny and gorgeous and I. Can't. Wait. *beams!*
ALSO JOYFUL, it is FRIDAY and we know what THAT means!! Or, uh, if you don't (which is perfectly understandable), tonight I am hitting a club with Dara and I am EXCITED. *beams*
(I. Hate. Exams. >:()