But I miss you more than I did yesterday

Mar 13, 2008 01:18

Have successfully taken exam! It went so smoothly, hurrah. \o/

So I had a bit of a snafu with my layout today. In an effort to check the coding for rotating headers, I switched theme layers to an older one, not realizing that this action completely wiped my custom stylesheet. AWESOME. So when I switched back, everything was totally bollocksed up :( It took about an hour to poke at it and restore it to mostly normal, and then I decided, dammit, I'm doing the rotating headers if it kills me because that's what caused all this trouble. Funny story - in the middle of my problems, I asked computer-science-Niall (one of the sci fi boys) for a bit of CSS help, and he asked for a link to the page I was trying to fix up (um, whoops. but I couldn't say no at this point >.<) and he saw Frank's face and went "ewww, EMO". *facepalm* And I said YES. AND IT IS HOT. STFU. I think Niall was slightly weirded out. Whatever :P (I didn't actually need his help in the end! Bah.)

So long story short - I HAVE EMERGED VICTORIOUS! I now have 6 simple MCR headers in rotation on top of my journal. One band, one Mikey, one Frank, two Gerard, and one Frank-Gerard-Mikey. I'm thinking no one is surprised. It's amazing how different the two Gerard ones are - one is Black Parade Gee with skeleton gloves, eyeliner, and sweat. The other is sunkissed professor!Gerard with his coffee and cigarette. I love both versions equally ♥ Check it out! --> exsequar (Refresh a few times. If you don't want to do that, they're the last six in this gallery.)

My mommy sent me a care package, including lots of Easter candy, and I keep making myself sick on pastel M&Ms. But there are PEEPS! And CADBURY EGGS! nom nom nom. Yay for mommies :D She also sent me frog PJ pants, and they GLOW IN THE DARK. Made of win.


dublin, layout, bandom - mcr, trinity

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