Well if you wanted honesty that's all you had to say

Feb 05, 2008 00:21

Today was randomly fabtastic! I totally didn't expect that! I had my first class at noon (statistical thermodynamics, ew ew ew) and then I went to meet Sinead and the biochem kids at Java. Sinead and most of them had to leave really soon though, but Niall didn't! So it ended up just being me and Niall hanging out and chatting for 45 minutes. He's so sweet. He makes me laugh and I make him laugh and it's good times :D Then we sat together in our next lecture, went to the library for our free hour together, then sat together again for our last lecture! It was pretty much unmitigated awesome - I adore him.

Then I texted Dara asking if he and Paul were up in sci fi, and they were! So I headed in that direction, and they were up there with a couple other people. We played Guitar Hero for an hour - the only songs I played were two co-ops with Paul, hee. We are a rockin' team \o/ In between songs, we had pillow fights and poking fights and we totally have the pigtail-pulling kind of mutual crush, it's actually ridiculously fun, idek. I love hanging out with him and Dara, they're just made of puppies and rainbows!

Then everyone showed up and we had our sci fi committee meeting. Good craic, as usual! I loff everybody <3

Thennnnn I went out to dinner at a delicious Thai place with Kate, her brother Adam, Cary, Emily, and Megan, all American girls on the Butler program. We were sending Adam off, as he is leaving tomorrow, tear! He's a really cool guy, he's been fun to have around :)

THEN we came back up to sci fi because I was going to go out to a movie with the sci fi boys, and I brought the American kids along with me for a round of Guitar Hero and just to say hello, because everyone I know is awesome and gets along swimmingly \o/ I played yet another song with Paul, and had more tickling and poking fights, I SWEAR WE ARE TWELVE. He even picked me up and twirled me at one point! *hands* I don't even know, I just know it's fun :P

So then the American contingent headed off to a pub, and I set off with a passel of boys (plus one girl!) to see Cloverfield! There was Bren, Mark, Barry, Colin, Niall, Justin2, and Megan. I spent the whole walk there talking to Bren, which was so lovely because I adore him but I really only ever see him briefly in the sci fi room. He's the head of the society and always really busy with that or schoolwork. We sat together for the movie, and talked on the walk back too, I loved that :) It had been a long time since I'd been out with the group of them like that, it was really nice. Cloverfield was pretty awesome - there was lots of covering of the eyes, because hey, gross! But awesome! I liked it. The guys LOVED it, of course. ♥

Only two moments of sourness today - first, Bren told me that Andy broke up with that girl Jean 3 weeks after they got together. In like. November. Um. DO YOU REMEMBER HOW MUCH I WAS EMOING ABOUT HIM? How I was completely head over heels but he was taken?? HE WASN'T TAKEN. HE DIDN'T TELL US. I am really quite baffled and kind of hurt and just. Blegh. I don't want to think about it. But I think I'm cured of my crush because while I still adore him, I realize that he really does have issues and I don't think it would be healthy to get tangled with that. The other moment of meh was when I asked Niall why he and Colin and Andy didn't make it on Friday (he told me he was trying to convince them to come) and he kind of made a face and said he didn't want to talk about it just then. So either Colin or Andy was being weird about coming to hang out with me. Awesome. Meh, whatever.

Let's finally have some visual aids for all these names I'm dropping everywhere! I didn't take too many pictures last Friday, but once I got quite drunk and the camera got in my hands, I got some awesome ones, so - sharing! There's also a video of a group a capella rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody, that was AWESOME. Hee.

This is Niall! Hi Niall! Niall is adorable, Y/Y? If slightly manic in this picture.

Cary making a lovely face. Simply fabulous, dahling. It was not actually her birthday, but Megan wouldn't wear the birthday tiara!

Bren being a super (hot) geek, trying to figure out wtf is wrong with Kate's iBook with help from her mom's iBook which Adam brought with him from the states. His concentration face is cute *g*

This is Paul and Dara in a rare unguarded moment when they weren't making faces :D And no, they're not brothers! Haha. I loff them <333

This was my position for most of the night, squished between these crazy kids (or frequently on top of Paul's legs, which were sprawled across Dara's lap). Fun tiiiimes.

Camwhoring! (And Paul's startlingly blue eye)

Shut up, you think we're adorable.

Kate's brother Adam and one of the other American girls, Megan. Isn't he handsome? The party was technically because her 21st was two days earlier, woo! There were nutella cupcakes involved. AMAZING.

Niall for some reason trying to block out the singing, with Cary, Bren, and Mark in the background.

MARK. I love your stupid face. Kate once described him as spritely, and I can't get that description out of my mind! He's a drama student and so perky and adorable.

The only shot I got of Kate the whole night, woe! Kate is my actual roommate, and she's so sweet and we're really getting along lately. It makes me happy. <3

The embedding of the video isn't working, so have a link to our most impressive rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody. Hilarity! This was at, like, 2 AM, Kate kept saying we were going to get kicked out, haha. But nothing bad transpired, and it was so much fun!

Well that's that! It was a good night indeed. And today was a good day. I'm so pleased. :) Now my toes are cold and I have class in 8 hours so I'm gonna hit the sack! Gnight my dears!

rl pics, boys - niall, rl, boys - andy, trinity, dublin pics, boys, dublin, boys - paul, sci fi soc

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