Your eyes are the size of the moon

Jan 29, 2008 10:38

Sometimes it's the little moments that make your day. This morning after my 9 AM lecture, I walked past my friend Niall (the one from chemistry, not sci fi) cycling in, wearing his adorable hat with the earflaps. He smiled his shy yet beautiful smile, which always looks like it's stealing its way across his face of its own volition, taking him by surprise. I smiled back brightly and gave a little wave. A few steps past him, I turned over my shoulder for another look, as you do, and my eyes met his smile-crinkled ones, as he was doing the same thing. I quickly turned back and my face split into a massive grin - there may or may not have been a giggle, you can't prove anything!

So, there's that :)

This morning, I also pre-orded my obscenely expensive Pretty. Odd. deluxe package. I'm quite excited for it, but slightly bitter because 1) What the hell am I going to do with a huge clunky disc of plastic? and 2) Shipping was $20, largely because of said disc of plastic. However, I know this is something I'll probably regret not having, and if I end up not liking the album or something crazy like that, I can always sell it, probably for a pretty penny. My rationalization for spending the $70 (!) is that I'm not going to be going to a concert any time soon, and I would have spent far more than that had I tried to make it to one of the UK shows in March (which I have, for the record, decided against). So! That's that. You better be really fucking adorable in that DVD, Panic children!

Last night I spent over two hours chatting with new friend Paul on MSN, and a good while texting with Dara who is hilarious and sweet. Together they make up this duo of overwhelming adorable, I can't even stand it omg <3333 They're both coming to my house party on Friday, yaye! Paul is really fun to chat to on MSN, he's actually expressive and uses full sentences and cute little XD smilies and is generally just so cute. (My experience with most guys I know irl online is... pretty much the opposite. Boring and terse, yawn!) He talked about how he's usually very introverted in social situations, and I was very proud that he wasn't like that at all when we were hanging out, because I didn't let him withdraw from the fun. \o/ Tonight we're hanging out at the sci fi Halo3 tournament, rock on geek power!

Still really really happy you guys. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop! I even had an amazing lecture this morning at 9 AM, what the hell. Bwee :)

:), life, bandom - panic!, boys, dublin, sci fi soc, trinity

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