SGA 4x12 Spoils of War

Jan 12, 2008 15:20

Observations as I go! Teeeeam <3 (I decided to do this kind of post because I didn't see much squee about the episode on my flist, and I wanted to make sure I remembered the great little things, even if I didn't end up liking the episode over all.)

John and Rodney wandering in together to look at the screen and say "it's been 24 hours!" - well what were you doing for those 24 hours boys, hmmmm? HEE.

Ronon yanking Rodney out of the locker room! <3333

The locker room itself! It looks a little bit Pastede On Yaye but still, it gives me glee, I'm not quite sure why.

The bicycle machine, on the other hand - why is it all alone in the middle of the room where they usually spar? Oh right, because that's the room associated with Physical Activity so they simply plopped a lone bike in there! Implying that Teyla dragged it in there herself? Oh Atlantis, you make me lol.

Ronon's concern for Teyla makes my heart go all clenchy, but at the same time I'm mad on Teyla's behalf for how they're all treating her like a delicate flower. Grr.

Ronon snapping like McKay! GLEE!

Also, Lorne coming on the mission - MOAR GLEE \o/

Ahahahah, YAY THE WRAITHFRIEND HAS A NAME! HI TODD HI! That name will never not make me think of the randomer in the back room of Babylon at the beginning of most seasons of Queer as Folk US, heehee.

John's pleased little face when he says "We got ourselves a new ship"! And Rodney's matching glee! Boys and their toooys! <3333

"You touched something didn't you!" "No. ...maybe just a little." HEE, RONON <3

Rodney's so happy that John's back! N'aw!

The John and Teyla interactions are slightly overdone, IMO? But they're still really nice and I love the two of them having Serious Conversations. I like that they're not butting heads too terribly, and that they both admitted their stubbornness.

Rachel really has become a much better actress over the years. She irked me sometimes in the first season, but now she's kind of settled into a more subtle alienness, a form of propriety and dignity that suits her role as the leader of a people, but which doesn't make her sound like a robot. It's quite lovely, really.

Haha, the good old "Rodney directs us where to walk next with mysterious 'energy readings.'" Why do they always want to walk towards the energy readings? Where is it written that the interesting things always give off energy? It makes sense sometimes, but other times it's just a silly device. Oh show.

Heeee! Rodney told John a story about the time he ran from a bee when he was ten! BOYFRIENDS.

Hey, whatever happened to Michael and his army of big nasty bug things? Just a random question. Hm.

Hey, they're like Uruk-Hai being born! Nifty. And gross. And weird, that's what they look like under the mask? And uh, the mask just grows in the cocoon with them? Oh Atlantis, again with the loling.

Aren't there already too many Wraith in the galaxy, and not enough food to support them all? So why are they breeding so many if they're just going to starve to death? Why am I nitpicking our cracktastic sci fi show, I think is the more applicable question! *facepalm*

HOW IS LORNE THE CUTEST LITTLE THING EVER??? I'm so glad he's actually getting dialogue and screen time, yaye :D "You're gonna be a great mom." AWWWW. Looooorne! *heart eyes*

I like Todd. Todd can stay.


This queen absolutely fails at being scary. Meh. Her voice is really kind of nasal and annoying, not menacing at all.

OH NOES JOHN'S BOYFRIEND ALMOST GOT EATED. He didn't look verreh happy about that! And why did she choose Rodney anyhow? Did she read John's mind and see "notRodneynotRodneynotRodney"? Hee. I love my big gay space show, I really do.

Teyla ftmfw, you guys.

Awww, I loved that last scene! It got me a bit weepy! Poor Teyla, wow :( *hugs her* But it's a boy! N'aw! And she looks so broken at the thought that she put her little son into danger, and so helplessly grateful to John for saving him, and ohmyheart. And John still looks just as awkward hugging her, oh John, hee <3 They are so, so wonderful.

Shooooooow <333333

(Sidenote: I'm not quite sure how this moodpic equates to mellow, but I AINT COMPLAINING. *chinhands*)

stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga

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