BSG - Razor reaction post

Dec 09, 2007 17:23

I'm FINALLY watching Razor. I downloaded it when it leaked, weeks ago, but I just never got around to watching it. Two hours is somehow a much more daunting commitment than 45 minutes? Idk, I'm weird.

The fact that it opened up with a bit of banter between Kara and Lee kinda makes my heart sing. I love them SO MUCH.

Wow, Gina and Cain (is her first name Helena?? if I didn't mishear, then wow! The song Helena rather suits her, actually) were lesbian lovers? I'm not sure what to do with this information! Gina's really sweet and darling (oh how I adore Tricia Helfer) but knowing that gives all kinds of new layers to what happens later. It partially explains why Cain's reaction to Gina's double-agent nature was so vicious.

I'm not sure how I feel about this being the way they include gay characters. I mean, Cain becomes such a villainous figure - although I suppose this movie is intended to counterbalance that, show things from her side. But the relationship was also (I presume) part of Gina's mission, her way of getting on the inside. But Gina doesn't know she's a Cylon, does she? So she's not aware that it's programmed into her, she thinks she really does have these feelings for Cain. Hmmm. Tricksy, in only the way Battlestar can be!

I really like Kendra so far. The actress is great. She's nuanced and prickly and hard to get a lock on. BSG, how so perfect, always? I'm going to be so sad when it isn't on my tv anymore :( (What's her accent, by the way? I can't quite figure it out)

KARA AND LEE MAKE MY TOES CURL. Her shoving his hand away, with a sharp, tense "Don't" - gah. *heartclench* PILOTS. Angry Kara is kind of stupidly hot, and Lee trying to rein her in but so often failing... I don't even know what it is about them, but they KILL me. Christ. I think I need to go rewatch all of season 2, haha.

Kendra vs. Kara FTW! Kendra's cold, stoic demeanor is such a brilliant contrast to Kara's fiery and explosive anger. I look forward to seeing how that plays out!

Ugh, CAIN. She says these things about not risking lives and resources for revenge, but then she absolutely refuses to see reason and retreat when the odds are overwhelmingly against her. What the fuck?

OH MY GOD SHE ACTUALLY SHOT HER XO IN THE HEAD. !!!!! This lady is FUCKED THE HELL UP. I don't see my sympathy swinging towards her any time soon! CHRIST. o.O

Aww, bye Gina :( You were cute and sweet while you lasted.

Huh. A hybrid. Guardians. Interesting!

I love the little toy models they use to make battle plans. They're so cute! I wants a toy Galactica :D

Well Cain certainly achieved her goal of having a bunch of yesmen under her control - now they think that if they object to anything, they'll get a bullet to the head. And they're probably not wrong. She's psychotic, christ.

I thought this whole thing was supposed to make us understand her motivation! There is nothing to understand about raping a civilian fleet for what's useful, and shooting FAMILIES when met with resistance! There is nothing sane or excusable in those actions. Shit.

Kara Thrace, stop making me fall in love with you all over again. There's something so deliciously unhinged and predatory about her gorgeous smile, her swagger. That scene with Kendra was golden.

Now, Cain's speech about "sometimes we have to do things" yadda yadda would have more impact on me if it was true. Maybe she believes it is, but the Galactica picked up an entire fleet of civilians and they've survived! War has to be fought for a reason, and it's usually protection of what's yours - if you start killing that off, well, then you're just fighting the other side's war for them. It's twisted and illogical and horrifying.

Sweaty badass Kara Thrace = gnnnnrk. I swear I have a bigger crush on her than, say, John Sheppard. I KNOW WHAT?

Is it just me, or is that setup of the gory dangling arm exactly the same as the one young Adama saw? That seems kind of shitty, to reuse a prop without even trying to disguise it. *frown* (It's really disturbing though, I gotta admit.)

LEE DON'T GIVE UP ON KARA OMG. Whatever happened to risking the whole fleet to hang around and rescue her when her Viper crashed, HUH? IT'S YOUR KARA. Good thing Daddy's there to keep you in line! Jesus, Lee :( (Although I think he was actually coming from a place of "oh-god-can't-let-Kara-become-lab-experiment" and was therefore letting his emotions drive him towards the WRONG decision, but still for her sake. Ohhhh Lee. :()

Is Kendra Australian? Huh. (For some reason it was her pronunciation of "trigger" that clued me in. God, I'm awful with accents.)

Lee just ordered Kara to kill herself. And her reaction? A smile/grimace of "Lee, you bastard. I love you too." AUGH THEM. THEY BREAK MY HEART. *verklempt*

Holy shit. Kara is the herald of the apocalypse? Damn girl, I knew you were fucked up, but. Damn! *flappyhands*

*MOAR FLAPPYHANDS* Lee's broken, disbelieving little "Starbuck?" ACK.

Adamas! Bill didn't become a monster because he had his son to answer to! Wow. I mean, I don't think all that excuses what Cain did, not by any means. I don't think you necessarily need other people to motivate you to make the right choices - there's also an innate morality that helps, that Bill clearly possesses while Cain was severely lacking.

OH KARA AND LEE. Sometimes it feels like their relationship is the heartbeat, the chewy emotional center of a lot of the show. And I love that somuch. They just made me kick my feet with glee! All the ignoring of personal space, the shared secret smiles, the banter! Even if Kara IS getting herself reassigned, merph. Gah, themmmm.

So overall? THAT WAS AWESOME. Bring on season 4... now plz! Sigh.

episode reactions - bsg, bsg

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