Can you stake my heart?

Nov 27, 2007 12:53

So, as they sometimes do, an awesome music video idea popped into my head this morning!

Get this - a Buffy the Vampire Slayer video set to MCR's Vampires Can Never Hurt You.

I know, brilliant right? *giggles* It's just absurd enough to work, and me being me I of course took it to the Faith place. The whole vampire thing of the song could be a grand metaphor for Faith getting all fucked up and dark inside and begging everyone (Buffy, Angel) to put her out of her misery, to extinguish the darkness. That's obviously in the tradition of the show itself, which takes all these evil things and makes them metaphors for every possible human crisis/situation/dilemma. So it would be like the metaphor of a metaphor! Or something. I don't know, I just know it would be awesome.

Musically, the video would be SO MUCH FUN to vid. It's got some really unique and catchy rhythmic bits, and these driving riffs that would be extremely exciting to vid fighting/dancing to (since Faith does so much of both). Also, it's not very repetitive (as our boys hadn't quite gotten down the notion of song structure, hee) and kind of rambles all over the place, so there's a bunch of fun different kinds of parts to work with.

There's a lot of lines that would just be so fun to play with. My favorite part is this verse:

And now the nightclub sets the stage for this they come in pairs she said
We'll shoot back holy water like cheap whiskey they're always there
Someone get me to the doctor, and someone call the nurse
And someone buy me roses, and someone burned the church
We're hanging out with corpses, and driving in this hearse
And someone save my soul tonight, please save my soul

Hanging out with corpses! Spike and Angel! Faith in nightclubs! Faith in a coma! Faith-in-Buffy beating up her own body in the church! OH IT WOULD BE SO AMAZING.

I wish this video could appear full formed from my brain! SIGH.

Can you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?
(And these thoughts of endless night
bring us back into the light
and this venom from my heart)

Completely unrelated, I found out my friend Judy, another American student in Chemistry here at Trinity, HAS A 1965 MUSTANG. RED WITH BLACK INTERIOR. EIGHT CYLINDER. OH GOD I WANT. It only cost her $5k and $3k to fix it up, and it's LOUD and incredibly powerful and oh god I think I would embarass myself were I to ever get in that car. Nnnnnnnngh so jealoussssss.

So this has been an entry in which my rather unique obsessions come out in the form of flailing and flailing some more and everyone just shakes their head and goes "Oh Anne" and moves on without saying anything! *laughs* You love me anyway. ♥

vidding, btvs, cars, faith, dublin, bandom - mcr, trinity

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