
Nov 26, 2007 21:18

Gerard made me cry!

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He's just so candid and open and honest without being cheesy about it, and I'm just. I'm in awe of him. It's incredible the journey he's taken and where he's at now. And the things he says about Lyn-Z melt my heart into a little puddle. I'm only human! Ooh ooh and I love how he brings up the thing he said about sucking more ( Read more... )

bandom - mcr

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Comments 7

saturnalia November 26 2007, 21:35:04 UTC
Aww! I'd only seen the first half of this interview, was wondering when the second part would surface. Gerard is just so damn adorable in this.


(The comment has been removed)

saturnalia November 26 2007, 22:47:59 UTC
Hee, thank you! It's because of the Roman holiday, mostly- there's this long and involved story involving high school Latin and Catullus poetry, but I'll spare you the details. *g*

(Placebo icon + Smiths-referencing name = also nice!)


harriet_vane November 26 2007, 23:19:47 UTC
So I am not crazy if he got me choked up? Because the noise I made when he said "I met the person I married" -- dogs could not hear it. And then when he talked about her again I just... *flails* How is he SO PRECIOUS? I DON'T UNDERSTAND. *sniffle*


foxxcub November 27 2007, 02:09:57 UTC
I love where he talks about his fifteen-year-old self. Oh, Gee Way, you're presh. ♥


elucidate_this November 27 2007, 04:35:24 UTC
i know right? awwww


elucidate_this November 27 2007, 04:35:00 UTC
oh gerard. *happy sigh*

also, looking way hot!


pau494 November 28 2007, 18:51:53 UTC
Ugh, Gerard. Be more endearing, I dare you! The way he talked about his fifteen-year-old self melted me. I love him.


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