It's a clockwork planet and I've broken every key

Nov 10, 2007 15:25

So last night was Andy's 21st birthday. We went to a great pub and just drank for a few hours, it was really fun :D Andy's three brothers (one younger, two older - another one was missing) were there, and um. That is a HOT family. Holy crap. Every single one of them was just... ngh. Ahem. Not that I'm surprised, since Andy himself is delicious, but geez. However, five brothers? Their poor mom! Haha. They all got along really well though, it was sweet, and I chatted with his little brother Robbie for a while.

When I say we drank, I mean that we got steins of German beer. A stein = 1 liter. Hahaha. Oh god. I finished a whole one of Erdinger. Hence today's hangover :P

Everyone awesome was there - Colin obviously, Bren, Barry, Niall, Michael, Owen, plus other people I hadn't met yet but who were great too, and it was just a lot of fun! Then I went home with Colin and spent the night and it was lovely and I had to force myself to leave at 1 PM this.. afternoon, hee.

This week's Supernatural was AWESOME. They're coming back to the great balanced mix of humor and angst, and I absolutely loved it. So many perfect moments :D

All this talk of MCR's shows is making me so impatient!! SIX DAYS OMG. Apparently they played Honey a couple nights ago! Bullets FTW! I'm seriously going to pass out for joy when they start Headfirst for Halos :D:D The video of their new song is awesome, I can't wait to hear it live!! And I've been looking at pictures of the inside of the arena I'm going to - my seats are SO CLOSE. Afksdjflk. Yaaaaaay.

dublin, sci fi soc, bandom - mcr, trinity, boys - colin, bandom - mcr - concert

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