The Annual Halloween Ball '07, Trinity College Dublin!

Nov 01, 2007 22:17

Okay, as you may have intuited from my one-sentence drunk post, last night was CRAAAAAZY. And by crazy I mean AMAZING. I rambled on to Amanda about all the hedonistic details in Gmail chat, and I could really talk for hours about all the crazy stuff that I got up to. To give you a sense, I got proposed to by a guy I had met only an hour ago (I don't THINK he was serious! :D), I got picked way up in the air by no less than four guys (yes, Colin was one of them! Bren, Barry, and James were the others. I think.), I kissed five people (two on the cheek, three... not! I actually kissed Rosa about 4 times on the mouth, haha, and I planted one on James for hilarity's sake, and I obviously kissed Colin many times whilst making myself at home on his lap), I got a piggyback ride, and I grinded with Rosa and Roisin - at the SAME TIME. HAHA WOW. It was pretty much insane and fantastic.

Have some lots of pictorial evidence! I actually don't have pictures of the latter half of the evening because at that point I was too giddy to be arsed to document anything, so this is all from when everyone was still pretty sober and tame, but there are some awesome costumes here, and just a lot of fun :D

By the way, I really didn't get very drunk last night. I had one pint and one shot of (free!) sambuca, and mostly it made me feel really loose and happy and giddy. It was a perfect balance, and I think I shall try to strike it from now on :D

Included behind the cut: myself as RYAN ROSS, and finally a good picture of Colin! Seriously guys, he's adorable.

Tada! Pretty damn accurate, if I do say myself. Best part: comfortable! No heels, no tight annoying tops or short skirts to worry about, just a whole lot of comfyness. Ryan was really onto something! Though I did get a wee bit warm :P

Roomie Katelyn and I. She came to the ball with me! Huzzah! She was a scarecrow, obviously :)

Obligatory camwhoring. This is the before...

...and after! It's kind of hilarious how identically posed the pictures are. My hair came down, the eyeshadow, blush, and lipstick got rubbed away, and I stripped down. Granted, most of that occurred once I was already home (except the makeup!), but it's a fun contrast.

Obligatory camwhoring II. Dude, liquid eyeliner is hard to use! I had a bitch of a time getting any kind of decent pattern. I like what came out well enough, and it stayed on ALL NIGHT, as you can see above!

We begin with the Ghostbusters! I don't know these guys, but I just liked their costumes. There were five of them, and they won the best group costume award, aka two rounds of drinks :D

Meet Rosa and Roisin! I met these girls once two weeks ago while out with the boys at Fibbers, and they're pretty much fantastic. They latched onto me and were like "A GIRL A GIRL! BE OUR FRIEND. WE ONLY KNOW BOYS." and I was like "HEY ME TOO." and it was love at first sight. They're SO fun, seriously.

Roisin and Michael! Michael's a sweetheart. He and Colin are really good friends.

Barry peering inside the head of his costume, which is...

THE EYE OF SAURON! Ahahahaha. Best costume ever, Y/Y??? He made it himself in three hours out of a lampshade! HEE. I ♥ BARRY.

Sauron dancing with Ron Weasley (aka Niall!) Heee.

A random lecturer that the guys know, and BREN. I kind of heart Bren ridiculously. He's so sweet and kind and fun and he's really rocking that Star Trek costume :D (*coughgeekcough* ♥)

Random shot of revelers at the bar, from our view in the VIP area! That's right bitches, I was one of the SPECIAL FOLK again, ahaha. I was on the guest list and everything! The ball was a HUGE smash - something like 700 or 800 people showed, and Sci Fi Soc made a shitload of money. Hurrah! \o/

Rosa the... slutty nurse Luke Skywalker?

Ahhh, all is made clear :D This is Mark, he's a drama student and quite fun!

Me and Rosa, who has a rather amusing reflex to a camera being pointed at her, haha.

SEE IT'S A COLIN. Is he not the most precious thing ever?? I swear I melt when he looks up at me with his puppy eyes like that. Awwww.

Random candid of Sean, Andy, and Neil. Andy is one of my other favorites of the boys, although he's something of a mystery to me. He got very maudlin with a few drinks in him, but before that we had some really fun conversations. Also, he seems to be *physically incapable* of being in a photograph without blinking. No lie. I think I have something like ten shots of him and he's blinking in EVERY DAMN ONE. This is the only one where his eyes are even partially open!

Ahaha, this is Colin's "costume". He went as "the ghost of a scumbag," which is what they call these gangs of white trash that wander the streets at night, essentially, looking to pick fights. Oh Colin. Most half-assed costume ever. ♥

And this is Michael's matching costume. My camera was doing some weird thing that caused that shadow, but it says "Vanilla Ice's career R.I.P." LOL. Okay then :D

Katelyn the cute scarecrow talking to Michael the ridiculous ghost. The two of them talked almost all night, they seemed to hit it off!

Katelyn and Niall!

The ghostly duo!

Andy wanted a picture of himself with the ghost of a scumbag for his MySpace? Or something. Anyway, we tried THREE TIMES, and he was blinking EVERY TIME. I think he looks pretty precious here though. N'aw, dork.

At one point these random people came to our table and started plonking down glasses, then they poured shots of black sambuca (an aniseed liquor that tastes like black licorice) for all of us and gave us free tshirts and condoms. Ahahaha, OKAY! One of the people was this purple lady and she started practically molesting Andy, and he looked all flustered and flaily! I was laughing so hard :D

Coliiiin. ♥

Bren and meee! I really am so fond of him.

Barry sans gigantic eye on his head! That is in fact a condom tied around his head. Ohhh Barry.

N'aw, Roisin and me.

And a couple random shots of Dublin at night that I took some other time but found on my camera with these! This is one of the crossings at O'Connell Bridge.

And a view of the Liffey from O'Connell bridge. Purty lights!

Phew! What a NIGHT! I'm still on only 3 hours of sleep, and lab was pretty annoying today, but it doesn't MATTER because that was all just so fucking fabulous. One of my best nights here so far, definitely. YAY!

rl pics, rl, dublin, sci fi soc, trinity, boys - colin

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