Heroes 2x03 Kindred

Oct 13, 2007 18:43

Oh my god HEROES!

Oh wow! WEST! HE CAN FLY! And when he looked at her so fondly and said "Claire, shut up!" and then whisked her into the sky and gazed at her with these huge, earnest eyes and she looked so amazed and then happy and they just. I got all teary! I really thought he was going to kiss her, but that was SO MUCH BETTER. I LOVE THEM SOMUCH! Eeeeeeeee! (And my GOODNESS he is pretty.) Claire/West, Claire/West!!! <3333

My sci fi soc boys were talking about Heroes last night and they were totally slagging the Irish accents, haha. They were like "Oh yeah, I'm from Cork, but my accent is Northern Irish! Hur hur!" It made me laugh :D But dude, I want Peter to come home! Find Claire! Or Nathan! Something!

So, Niki and Micah. I wish they'd explain how DL died - did he just die of the gunshot wound he got in the finale? Cause Matt seemed to survive his just fine. Meh. I hate when actor reshufflings affect the storytelling.

Alejandro was so stupid to try to steal a car in broad daylight. On a street in the middle of a city/town. BRILLIANT. *facepalm* The wanted poster is a really good likeness of him, but it's a really shitty one of her, just as a random observation. But their power is really fascinating - she's the poison, he's the antidote. What a cool idea! And hahaha, of course the guy they saved has a Nissan Rogue, just like Claire. OH WAIT. IT IS HERS. I was just gonna say nice product placement, but dude! That's Claire's car! AWESOME.

Ahahaha, Candace suggested Sylar bang himself! THAT'S HILARIOUS. I'm not sure how I feel about her new reincarnation - she's not supermodel pretty, that's for sure, and not even as pretty as the old version. I don't like the actress any better either. Meh, whatever, I've never really cared about Sylar so this plotline doesn't have much interest for me.

...oh and hey, she's dead. All above observations rendered obsolete! (I'm typing this up as I watch, obviously.) And of course she was a fat girl. Sigh.

Aw man, I was hoping they wouldn't go the Peter/girl whose name I don't remember route. It was just so EASY. Sigh. OPEN THE GODDAMN BOX. And ooo, tattoo! Morph! Vanish! Interesting! But dude, Peter, do you honestly love your life now that you've fallen in with THIEVES? WTF. I don't care that she's kind of pretty. Bleh.

Oh Claire and West! So sweet and giggly and precious and oh that kiss, so so lovely. BUT THEN. *flailyhands* Nooo! Badness! Angst! Bad Noah! *siiiiigh* I love this storyline, but I wish they could have been happy and precious for at least one episode first :(

NO NO NO NO NOAH CAN'T DIE. AUGH. MYHEART. And and and Claire's mad at him gah! I love their adorable Daddy-daughter thing! But now there's SECRETS and WOE and GNAH. This show is messing with meeeeee!

Other notes: Hiro is adorable. And I love David whatshisface as Kensei, he's so doofy <3 And pretty! Hee. Also, Matt/Mohinder, yo. So cute!

I'm really enjoying this season! I like all the plotlines well enough to always be entertained, but the Bennets are who have my heart. Is it next week yet???

heroes, episode reactions - heroes

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