It's a clockwork planet and I have broken every key

Oct 04, 2007 02:31

It's so much easier to socialize here in Ireland! One part of it is that the community is so small at F&M that after like, your first semester you're kind of locked in and there isn't much fluctuation of social groups. But there's so many people and societies and events here that it's really easy to go out and meet new people. And I'm actually doing it! Yay me!

I knew a while ago that I really wanted to join the Sci Fi Society here, hoping to find like-minded people. So I did, and tonight they were showing Knocked Up (they're more of a general popular culture society than just scifi) and so I went to it, and I started chatting with one of the members, Niall. He said I should come hang out with them after the movie, so I did, and that's how I ended up at Niall and Barry's room with five geeky computer science guys for the evening. We spent a few hours just having a couple beers and chatting. They were all really nice, especially Colin, and just so nerdy and funny and smart. Niall immediately caught it when I made a Hitchhiker's Guide reference, and there was geeking out about Battlestar, SGA, Golden Compass, and so on and so forth. It was so much fun! GEEKS UNITE!

Tomorrow night I'm going to the Scifi Soc sponsored club night, and since I already know people it should be a blast. I'm excited! :D

Also, Knocked Up was awesome. KATIE HEIGL, MARRY ME. <3<3<3

The only problem I can see so far is that it seems like I'm going to be staying out late quite often, but most likely not with my roommates. Sooo that means I have to find my way home by myself... in the center of a city. Not the best place to go walking by yourself in the middle of the night when you're a young girl, yaknow? I got a cab home tonight, and that's about 7 Euro, which isn't awful but I also don't want to be spending that too often. Hm. I suppose as I get more comfortable in the city I'll probably start braving the walk home. Meh.

So I got the heads up that the SPN S3 premiere was available for download from iTunes for free... I snagged it and I'mwatchingitnow. I must be quite honest and admit that I'm not nearly as riled up and excited about this season as I was about last year, but it's still WINCHESTERS YAY. \o/ And now I won't miss out on y'all's squee! Bless iTunes!

supernatural s3, rl, dublin, sci fi soc, trinity, boys - colin

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