I'm leavin', on a jet plane...

Sep 19, 2007 16:52

So those darling FBR boys gave me a beautiful going away present by being THE MOST PRECIOUS EVER EVER. EVER. The most ridiculous thing Pete ever bought? RYAN ROSS. Brendon's balls haven't dropped! Pete Ryan and Brendon went to the movies together! "Do you like men that play music?" THEIR FUCKING SMILES. Ugh, they're such precious precious children. I'm hoping that they sell Kerrang! in Ireland so I can pick up a copy of this for myself!

Speaking of Ireland.... THIS IS IT BABY! I'm leaving for the airport with my dad in about an hour. I'm all (erm, almost all) packed and ready to go. I just finished up Angel S5 and pretty much all I have to say is that Angel/Spike is the most epic love story ever :D So I've got that behind me, and a flight ahead of me, and in about 12 hours I will be landing in Dublin! YAY!

This probably means a certain amount of radio silence from me. I'll definitely not be able to check my flist very often, so if anything super exciting happens in any of my fandoms, I'd really appreciate a heads up. You know, a new article or interview or pictures, or perhaps Jensen and Jared announce their engagement, you know, whatever. I'll be around at some point, I just don't know when. I'll try to let you know as soon as I can that I'm alive! I love you all muchly. *hugs everyone* Be good while I'm gone!

bandom - panic!, dublin, bandom - fob, angel

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