I haven't caught up on my flist, so you're all probably talking about these already, but some great
interviews came out with Ben Edlund, Jensen, and Kripke today on Whedonopolis! Ben is hilarious and wacky, I kind of love him. This is my favorite thing though, from our one and only Ackles:
What in the world is Dean’s problem with California, calling it “the wuss state”? What’s up with that?
JA: Dean calling California “the wuss state”? I don’t remember that!
Yeah, in the episode “Everybody Loves a Clown”, Dean is arguing with Sam and he tells him, “I thought that after Dad died, you were going back to the wuss state,” meaning California, “and now you wanna take this on.”
JA: Oh, okay! That’s right! And this is why, because in his mind, California took his brother away from him, so he has a bit of problem with that. It’s like, (becoming Dean) “You know, I had to drive all the way to California to drag your butt back to what you should have been doing. You never should have gone there in the first place.” It’s what it represents, the thing that took his brother away. It’s sappy, but in his mind, he’s like, (as Dean again) “Stupid state!” (laughs)
AWWWWW. So sweet!! I mean, fangirls have known this since day one, but I love hearing Jensen say it like that. N'aw. WINCHESTERS! (ETA: I know that the interviewers got the quote wrong. Dean was saying "Wuss State," referring to Stanford. But what Jensen says is super sweet nonetheless :))
My other favorite part:
Okay, and since we’re talking music, what in blazes is Sam’s problem with Dean’s music? And given the chance, what music would Sam play?
EK: (laughs out loud) We have interesting debates about that all the time; about what Sam’s music would be, and you know, I hope that Sam listens to whatever cool modern music is. I don’t know any of them because I don’t listen to anything after 1980, so, you know… Green Day, I guess? I don’t know! Who is cool these days? Is Green Day cool? What band is cool these days?
Maybe Red Hot Chili Peppers…
EK: Yeah, so he listens to the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Fall Out Boy and maybe The Killers? I am so a stranger in a strange land when it comes to those bands that that’s why you never hear Sam’s soundtrack, cos I don’t know that music and I’d choose the wrong songs. All my friends call me “Old Man Kripke” because I don’t listen to any bands after 1980; that’s why Dean’s music always wins out, because I hate so much modern music that I can’t bear to listen to it in the editing room. (laughs)
AHAHAHA! SAM LISTENS TO GREEN DAY AND FALL OUT BOY, GUYS! IT'S CANON!!! Hahahahaha.... ohhhh Kripke *draws pink sparkly hearts* I love that with his very limited modern music knowledge, those are the names he pulls out of the air. AWESOME. It's not very accurate, IMO, to who Sam is, but I'm not complaining! Now I'm just picturing Sam hollering "THANKS FOR THE MEMORIES, EVEN THOUGH THEY WEREN'T SO GREAT!" and flailing his ridiculous hair around and oh man. So much love guys, I can't even express it. And I am ALSO picturing Sam standing next to Pete Wentz and literally towering over him. Ahahaha. BEST. EVER.
Also, why does Kripke insist on summing up the show by saying "Two guys with chainsaws in the trunk, fighting monsters, GO!"?? There aren't any chainsaws! There never have been, except that conjured guy in Tall Tales! Kripke, you are a silly ridiculous man, and I kind of love you. Also, I find it interesting that in talking about how he liked the standalones of S2, he picks out Hollywood Babylon to mention specifically, because in my opinion that was the weakest of the S2 standalones, pretty much. It was really self-indulgent though, so I guess it makes sense Kripke would love it :P Aaaand he says that the S2 mythology was too complicated, that you needed a flowchart to follow it, and I'm like... if you're twelve o.O It really wasn't that complicated at all, lol. Ah well, perhaps my obsessive devotion makes me more adept at following all the details, or something. I love you Kripke honest!