The impossible is possible tonight, tonight

Aug 04, 2007 15:09

Meme snagged from fragglebo:

What five character deaths affected you the most? (SPOILERS for Serenity, HP 5, BtVS S2, SPN S2, and BSG S3)

1. Wash, Firefly/Serenity

I can't describe the emotional wreck I was in the last half hour of Serenity - the first TWO times I saw it. In fact, I think I was worse the SECOND time. But the first time, it shocked the breath right out of my lungs, and then began the wracking sobs, which did not abate until the bathroom after the movie was over. I was ruined. And Wash's death was really the catalyst - Zoe's reaction escalated my tears, and Simon getting SHOT renewed the sobs that hurt my head and stomach and heart. Then the second time I saw the movie, I was vibrating anxiously for 10 minutes BEFORE he died, and then BAM, and off I went again. It was the most overwhelming and intense experience I have had in a very, very long time. This is why Serenity is absolutely my number one favorite movie of all time. I am not *mad* at Joss for killing Wash, because that kind of emotional whammy is such an incredible experience. He's such a master (evil!) storyteller.

2. Sirius Black, Harry Potter

(In the BOOK. Not the movie.) Again with the wracking sobs. And disbelief and anger, this time. I don't remember it clearly, my first experience, but I do know I only have very tear-blurred memories of the rest of the book. Until the movie, I barely remembered Dumbledore and Voldemort's battle afterwards. I was just in such shock - not SIRIUS! I had such an investment in him beyond the books themselves, because of Shoebox and shipping Remus/Sirius and just falling desperately in love with these boys and then... he died. It was just such a tragic and heartrending end to a life of unjust suffering and loss. RIP Sirius :(

3. Angel, Buffy the Vampire Slayer

And by "death" I mean Buffy sending him to hell at the end of S2. I know it doesn't technically count (he was already dead, for one thing, and then comes back *hands*) but that still rips me apart. Seeing Buffy's face as she realizes that Angel is back, Angelus gone, yet she still has to plunge that sword through his chest. Her very quiet, very broken "Close your eyes" and the way she is just destroyed afterwards... yeah. I will always love Buffy/Angel, and the sheer tragedy of that episode never fails to yank my still-beating heart out of my chest. Again, Joss, with the evil masterminding! (Runners up that I considered from BtVS: Tara, Buffy (S5), and Spike)

4. Sam Winchester, Supernatural

Again, he comes back to life, but HE WAS DEAD! Dead! Sammy! Cold and rigid and DEAD! *weeps* It's Dean's reaction, obviously, that kills me the most - both on his knees in the mud, clutching his brother's body as the life leeches from it, and slumped in a chair next to the filthy mattress that holds the still form of his once vibrant Sam. Sam and Dean and the love they have for each other is, clearly, one of my favorite relationships to ever be brought to life, and seeing them torn asunder like that shattered my poor heart. SAMMY!!

5. Kara Thrace, Battlestar Galactica

AGAIN with the not-so-final. Heh. But um. KARAAAAAAA! I watched this with friends so I didn't quite fall apart as much as I wanted to - I was kind of in shock. But right after, I went to take a shower and just stood there, the water pouring down, and sobbed. Because. KARA! I was something of a wreck for the rest of the night, and melancholy for several days after every time I thought about it. Kara is just. She IS Battlestar to me, and watching her spiral uncontrollably downward until... oh. Ouch.

I FINISHED FARSCAPE! :O I did a mini marathon last night, plowing through the end of S4, then Brad drove down and we watched the miniseries this morning/afternoon. It was amazing! I oddly don't have that much to say, but... I loved it. It was satisfying, fun, exhilarating, unpredictable, and all around one hell of a ride. John and Aeryn are so in love it makes me ache, and everyone is just so wonderful *squishes them all*

Brad is the adorable gay guy that I have mentioned before, and want to know what's AWESOME? He's a SLASHER! Hahaha! Specifically of Braca/Scorpius, which is HILARIOUS. He said things like "Braca was totally jealous when Scorpius and Sikozu were doing their thing" and "Look who's saving Braca now!" and many other things and oh man. I almost broke something laughing. FANTASTIC.

So, um. That's that! It was amazing, and I'm so glad I experienced it. Thank you to everyone who forced me to watch it :)

btvs, harry potter, meme, bsg, farscape, supernatural s2, serenity

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