(no subject)

Jul 22, 2007 23:07

I just watched the pilot of Reaper. I really enjoyed it a lot! This is definitely something I'll be tuning into... but oh wait. I just remembered that I'll be in Ireland, and I've already got 8 shows I MUST watch next season, so that's a whole lot of downloading and I don't think I'll have room for any casual shows. But if it turns out to be good, and it actually LASTS the season (it better!) I'll definitely be watching at some point in the future. I adore the main character, even if he stole Sam's name! :P

For my future reference, I suppose, here are the shows that I consider must-watches for the coming season, in order of importance to me in terms of must-watch-while-airing:

Stargate Atlantis
Battlestar Galactica
Friday Night Lights
Doctor Who

Ah, boob tube, whyfore are you so quality?

Roommate is in the final 80 pages of Deathly Hallows, and it is quite amusing watching his reactions. He is right in the thick of it now! How exciting :D

reaper, tv

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