The neighbors have complained damn near every night!

Jul 17, 2007 23:29

Things Wot I Love
  • The Academy Is...! I love chair dancing and car dancing and grocery store dancing to their music, practically 24/7.
  • Also in music, I currently love Jamie Cullum (fun modern jazz, very summery), Kelly Clarkson's new CD, Tegan & Sara's "So Jealous," and Xavier Rudd, who I swear sounds exactly like Tom McRae, who, incidentally, I also love.
    "You stole my cake?" Sirius asks. “I thought I ate it while I wasn’t paying attention.” ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
  • The fact that James Marsters is going to be on Torchwood. The thought of him and John Barrowman on the same screen, being sexy and snarky and, I quote, "violent and horny," kind of essplodes my brain.
  • Harry Potter in 3 days guys!! *vibrates*
  • John&Rodney (RODNEY WORE A BLACK ZIP UP!!!1!!), John&Aeryn (o the angst!), Danny&Rusty (eyefuckery! smirking!), Remus&Sirius (puppies!), and of course Sam&Dean (!!!!). ♥
  • This icon. Dumbledore's Army FTW!
  • This picture. Thanks muchly to expatiates's spam of joy!

And hay, HAVE SOME NAKED DAVID HEWLETT!!! (This was the last picture I uploaded on my pbucket, and I was killed dead by giggles when I saw the juxtaposition with the skinny girlyrock boys, so I had to share the incongruity with y'all. MY TASTES IN MEN HAVE MYSTERIOUS DEPTHS.)

Things Wot I Less Than Love
  • Working on my presentation/paper for my summer project. I think I'm *finally* making progress, but it's still a wee bit like pulling teeth. On the bright side, my skillz in Photoshop are serving me well to make my Powerpoint super pretty.
  • The fact that I have to leave in 2.5 weeks :( I've really gotten comfortable living here on my own, with Awesome Roomie and independence and all that wonderful stuff. I do miss my family, but. It seems like the summer's simply flown by.
  • No Dave at work today! Everything was very slow and boring and quiet without him.

Lalala pointless LJ post! I don't know why y'all stick around, honestly. Much less why more people keep friending me! It baffles, for serious. Which, by the way, hello new people! Don't be afraid to pop in and say hi, I don't bite!

picspam, bandom - tai, pictures, summer 07, harry potter, shoebox, bandom - panic!, bandom - pics, bandom - fob, fenlon

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