So on lazy mornings, you study physics.

Jul 10, 2007 18:16

Minor disaster at work today - know that pretty pretty product I was talking about? Well I had about a third of it in a round bottom flask... and I dropped it on the bench. It shattered, pretty pretty product went all over dirty dirty bench :( Luckily a large portion of it actually landed on the label wrapped around the cable for the hotplate sitting there, so that part of it was easily collected back. I lost about 60 mg out of 100. It wasn't a huge tragedy, especially since I still have a large portion of the product in another vessel, but it gave me that nauseous feeling of being a complete fuck up and hating it. Anyone know the sensation? Heh. My stomach didn't settle down all afternoon, though I now realize that's also partially because I just started my period, LOVELY.

Thought for the day: There's something wrong with a country where people getting gunned down and knifed and what have you is status quo in the media, both fictional and non, but an accidental boob shot is cause for a national uproar and anything sexual beyond kissing calls for covering the kids' eyes. Objectively, violence is terrible and wrong and should never happen, while sex is beautiful and natural and necessary, but we seem to have turned that on its head. Sigh.

Just bought my ticket to Order of the Phoenix on Friday in IMAX! So excited!!! I watched my first full scene from the movie on Youtube last night, and it's Harry's reunion with Hermione and Ron after the summer, and it's lifted directly from the book and it's one of my favorite scenes and I'm practically SPLITTING with joy!!! Eeeee! This movie better make my life, because I'm not particularly looking forward to Half Blood Prince!

I have no idea what I want to do for dinner. Hrm. Anyway!

I'm currently watching SGA 3x07 Common Ground, in which Rodney is desperately worried about his boyfriend, Kolya makes me want to do dirty things to him, the whole team is fabulous and hardcore, and there's a Wraith with an actual personality. I forgot how much I liked this one!

McSheppers on my flist! Go read this ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE ficlet written for me by 1ightning - she's seen about one episode of SGA and she already has the boys' voices down! It's hilarious and fantastic and sweet and LOVE. (There's also two Wincest ficlets there that are also super sweet, if you feel like checking those out too :))

stargate atlantis, ootp, summer 07, mcshep, movies, random, harry potter, fenlon, fic recs

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