And then you take the house

Jun 30, 2007 15:37

I have ANOTHER new layout! \o/


"AGAIN?" you say? Well. Uh. Yes. *g* The thing is that I was getting sick of my basic customixed Flexible Squares schtick that I had going for, oh I don't know, two years? And someone linked to a great pre-coded layouts community called premade_ljs, so I went over there and poked around and immediately fell in love with this layout. It's got beautiful colors (I love that blueish green) and I love the whole scifi/techno feel to it, which is also just soft enough to be elegant and pretty.

I of course modified the header to have - take a wild guess! - Danny and Rusty. Ain't they pretty? There were some issues but I figured out how to modify the sidebar to my liking, and now it's perfect! Yay! I'm really really happy with this one :D

The end! Back to playing with Mona! \o/

layouts, danny/rusty, ocean's 11

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