(no subject)

Jun 25, 2007 01:17

I can't seem to force myself to go to bed without some kind of closure. It's weird, I know, but it's all part of my own sleep-depriving procrastination tactics. Sometimes it's watching that moment I'm obsessing over one more time; sometimes it's reading the perfect little ficlet that will send me to bed smiling; sometimes it's wrapping up a fun conversation with a friend. None of those seem to be working tonight, so I'm going to make a post!

I watched Ocean's 11 about two and a half times today. Once straight, once with commentary, and then again to make caps of Danny and Rusty, and also just to rewatch some of their glorious scenes from the beginning. That poker scene, with the TV star kids? Oh my god. PERFECTION!

Then tonight I watched most of Fight Club. Want to know something funny? The Playstation that functions as a DVD player in our living room wouldn't play Fight Club because of the parental settings on the system! LOL. It played Flags of our Fathers (a horrifying and perfectly done movie, by the way) but not Fight Club. How silly.

But anyway, I just. BRAD! *flails a little bit* There's nothing that can be said about Fight Club that hasn't already been said 80 billion times, but there are just so many perfect lines, perfect moments, and watching when you know the twist is actually really cool, because you pay attention to all the subtle clues leading up to it. What an awesome, awesome movie. And did I mention - BRAD! *bites knuckles*

I'm thinking about going to see OotP in IMAX when it comes out! It's playing 45 minutes away, which really isn't that bad, and it's 11 bucks, which is only 2 dollars more than the normal theater - and for OOTP, totally worth it. I watched some TV spots for the movie last night that I'd missed, and OH MY GOD. I can't WAAAAIT. Remus!!!!! He's looking so gorgeous, and his voice, his weary gravelly voice... meep. Moony!! And Sirius!!! Oh my puppies. This movie is gonna make me flail for joy and then KILL ME. I can't wait :D

I really, really love the name Danny. And not just because of Danny Ocean :P I'm thinking I'm pretty much set on naming a future son of mine Daniel, after my father's father, and we will definitely be calling him Danny. Aw. Yay :) I love the name because it's very cute for a young boy, but it can also work well for a respectable man, if he has the right self-confidence and comfort in himself. You know? I don't know what I'm rambling about. I just love it.

Ummmm. I went shopping with Fei today, it was fun :) I was very restrained and only bought a pair of jean capris and a pretty brown shirt to go with my gorgeous flowery skirt. She got everything she needed to (bathing suit, flats, jean skirt) and so all in all it was a very successful morning at the mall. Yay!

I updated my sidebar, to make it more current. Removed and added some icons, and in the interests section I took out a couple of old ones and inserted Danny and Rusty, the Taylors (FNL), John and Aeryn, and made a new one for Rodney and John. Pretty people, whee!

Okay. That's enough of my ramblings. Off I go to bed, a half hour later than I intended! Pretty damn good! \o/

Here, have a dash of Danny n Rusty. Pretty, ain't they? ♥ Look at how they're looking at each other! This, my friends, is why the poker scene is my favorite.

Night night!

ootp, rl, fei, summer 07, movies, ocean's 11, danny/rusty, harry potter, layout, remus/sirius

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