There must be some kinda way outta here, said a joker to the thief

May 08, 2007 00:33

Memememe, mostly because I actually have TIME for things like this now. *claphops with glee*

Six ships I like
1. Sam/Dean, Supernatural
2. Rodney/John, Stargate Atlantis
3. Kara/Lee, Battlestar Galactica
4. Jared/Jensen, CWRPS
5. John/Aeryn, Farscape
6. Remus/Sirius, Harry Potter

Three ships I've abandoned (aside: I don't abandon ships so much as put them on the backburner. But I guess these are close to abandoned)
7. Logan/Veronica, VMars
8. Buffy/Spike, BTVS
9. Luke/Lorelai, Gilmore Girls

Three ships I've never liked
10. Jensen/Chad Michael Murray, CWRPS
11. Lee/Dee, BSG
12. Jayne/Simon, Firefly

Two ships that have piqued my interest
13. Zhaan/Stark, Farscape
14. Ronon/Teyla, SGA

1. why do you dislike #11 so much? (Lee/Dee)
Well first of all, THEIR NAMES RHYME. It's revolting. Second and more importantly, their "attraction" sprung up out of nowhere *purely* as a plot device to put an obstacle to the True Love that is Kara/Lee. I'm still bitter.

2. Who is someone you know that ships #13? (Zhaan/Stark)
I'm not sure? I know I've seen it mentioned by at least one person in a profile or something, but that was before I knew who Stark was so I don't remember clearly.

3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3? (Kara/Lee)
Lee as CAG, Kara as his hotshot troublemaker star pilot, and lots of beautiful, slightly-less-angsty-than-usual sex. I want them in a RELATIONSHIP - volatile as always, but dedicated to each other.

4. Which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one. (Sam/Dean)
UM. ALL OF THEM? *facepalm* If pressed, I might have to say "Bloodlust." "He's the only one that gets to call me that." and "I guess I'll just have to stick around and be a pain in the ass then." !!!!! *loves*

5. How long have you been following couple #6? (Remus/Sirius)
They were my first real slash pairing! Aw, puppies. Lessee, I think I first latched onto them in... late 2004, so, 2 and a half years or so.

6. What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring? (Buffy/Spike)
Hmm. They were interesting as I watched seasons... what, 5 through 7? I definitely enjoyed them. But my love of them never went beyond their arc itself - I never read fic, and I am a Buffy/Angel girl to the end!

7. Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4? (Rodney/John or Jared/Jensen)
What an awful choice to have to make! Ummmmmmmm. Oh god, gun to my head? I would say Rodney/John. BUT I LOVE JSQUARED TOO I PROMISE.

8. You have the power to make one ship non-existent. Choose from #10 or #12. (Jensen/Chad, Jayne/Simon)
JENSEN/CHAD! Omg ew *shudders* My flist went through a weird obsession with them together, and it was the only time my flist really put me off. I was glad when that passed.

9. What interests you about #14? (Ronon/Teyla)
They are so adorable and sweet and loving with each other. Teyla brings out the soft sweetness in Ronon, and she is so affectionate and happy around him. Plus she could climb him like a tree. Mmmmm.

10. When did you stop liking #7? (Logan/Veronica)
Eh, it's more that I lost interest in the show. But they just became too soap opery, lost their adorable appeal of S1. I don't think the show handled them very well at all.

11. Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show? (Luke/Lorelai)
It was more the opposite. I never watched the show linearly anyway, and when this season was sucking I just stopped watching, and ergo stopped caring about the ship *shrug*

12. What's a song that reminds you of #5? (John/Aeryn)
Um, I don't have automatic songs for most of my ships... I have to think a lot about that. After a quick browse through my library though, I have landed on "Show Me How To Live" by Audioslave, because it seems to me like John really gave Aeryn a new life, opened her eyes to an existence outside of her Peacekeeper upbringing.

13. Which of these ships do you love the most?
My heart belongs always and forever to Sam/Dean.

14. Which do you dislike the most?
Jensen/Chad. Oh, yuck.

15. If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be? (even better if they're from different shows)
Hee! Sam/Dean and Rodney/John! IMAGINE THE SNARKING. Dean would try to seduce John, and Sam would be fascinated by Rodney's ramblings about astrophysics, and I would probably combust with love for all of them.

16. Have #2 kissed yet? Elaborate if you'd like. (Rodney/John)
Well, considering they're MARRIED by mid season 3, I would hope so! *g* No really, I've never been so convinced of the truth of a slash pairing within the canon verse before.

17. Did #4 have a happy ending? If the show hasn't ended yet, do you think a happy ending is likely? (Jensen/Jared)
Well, the fact that S3 is likely to happen is certainly a happy conclusion of sorts for now! They can continue spending every hour of every day together \o/ Ultimately? I think they'll go live on a farm in Texas together. N'aw. ;)

18. What would make you start shipping #14? (Ronon/Teyla)
Well, I already do kinda, in the sense of squeeing every time they have scenes. But I just don't read fic. If they got together in canon, I think I would take an even greater interest.

19. If only one could happen, which would you prefer - #2 or #6? (Rodney/John or Remus/Sirius)
Well, given that Remus/Sirius is pretty much impossible at this point... definitely Rodney/John. I can't even imagine my combustions of glee were that to actually occur on my screen :D

20. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them? (Jensen/Chad)
Jensen lives happily ever after with Jared, and Chad NEVER GRACES GREASES MY TELEVISION AGAIN. He should move to Madagascar with his jailbait girlfriend. Ugh.

Well that was fun! Watched more Farscape tonight. I think my experience is kind of... hm, I don't know, skewed by my expectations for John/Aeryn. When y'all convinced me to start watching, I got the impression it was, like, the John and Aeryn Show. So I'm always waiting for squeeful scenes between them, and sometimes episodes that are great in all other ways disappoint. I mean. They're always close by each other, and they've gotten all touchy feely lately which is great, but I don't know. My distraction with that kinda makes me impatient with the rest of it? I DON'T KNOW. Mostly I suck.

Note: I love Stark. I have no idea why. I just do. He can stay \o/

Note the second: Jool was fun for her first 30 seconds, then I just wanted to punch her face in. Whiny, DAMSELY little brat! Oy.

Hmmm *drums fingers* I don't know what to do with myself, all this free time! Tis tres bizarre. I think I will go continue reading the epic AU John/Rodney fic I was reading a little while ago. They make me happy :)

(Wow, I can't remember the last time I was able to use this mood icon! \o/)

otps, meme, episode reactions - farscape, farscape

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