SPN 2x19 Picspam - Deacon!

Apr 28, 2007 02:30

So as you may have gathered from my post last night, I LOVE DEACON \o/ This is a lot like when I was completely smitten by Ash his first time on the show. I just really love when they get guest characters that vibe really well with the boys (aka FLIRT WITH DEAN - I swear, it's a pattern. Though who can blame them?) and Deacon was perfect with them.

(I hope it's okay to have that outside the cut - all I've given away is a name!)

So here is a picspam from last night's totally awesomesauce episode. Deacon-centric, but some caps of our beautiful boys snuck in there. I WONDER WHY. All caps by the lovely oxoniensis!

We begin with...


sfjksdflj. Asdlfkjsldkfjsd. Also, alkfhejr. Neck porn. Phallic object. Deacon being WAY too convincing as the hardass abusive guard. WIN.

This should not be as hot as it is. AND YET.

Again! He's so HOT in an old-enough-to-be-my-dad way *facepalm* I love his INTENSITY.


AGAIN with the phallic object. I love how he grabs Dean here. HAWT.

"You too, sweetheart." Asflksdfhsd.

Let us take a moment to appreciate how friggen HOT the boys are in those jumpsuits.

Large and in charge \o/

Chosen purely for how Sam is looking at Dean. Meef. Boys!

Ruh rohs! Are the boys in big doodoo? ("We do do!")

Awww, nope! The crinkly eyes come out to play and he's a FRIEND, yay!

He touches Dean way more than is necessary. I APPROVE.

My favoritest. SO CUTE OMG. "I thought I was goin easy on ya!"

I just love him, okay?

Mmm. Dean.



"I have a present for you boys! Whee!" He is so AMUSED by the boys' antics. I LOVE.

Oh yes Dean, you ARE velvety smooth. ♥

Another favorite. Look at how Sam and Dean are looking at each other! *swoons* And Deacon is just the icing on the cake :D

Aw, the little soldiers!

I really love his eyes. They're pretty.

The smirk!!!

The Gaze of Complete Love and Devotion!!!!

Look at Sam's HAND, my god. These two hugs just about killed me - I love the role Deacon plays here for them, an adult figure they respect and who respects and understands them, who can offer support of a type they're not even aware they need.

*heart go splodey*

Heeee, BOYS!!

Heeeheehee, DEAN!!

I love how Deacon's all resigned to getting popped in the face. And very adorable about it.

"Make it real, son." *flailyflail*

Hee. I love how Sammy turns his head away. Needs to protect his delicate constitution from such offensive violence! *g*


YAY HE LIVED YAY. I was SO NERVOUS during this scene, yelling for the boys to work FASTER.

Now how did that sneak in there? *whistles*

Nnnnngh. He's so AUTHORITATIVE. It's kinda stomping on all my buttons.

Side note: Hendrickson is one helluva pretty man. *admires*

In conclusion: DEACON!!!! ♥♥♥

I really love this character. I love his banter with the boys, how amused and affectionate he is towards them, how FLIRTATIOUS he is with Dean. I am very intrigued by the questions about his back story (how does he know about hunting? How did he save John's life?) and WE BETTER GET HIM BACK. I'd love to see him in the finale. (Please no spoilers!)


spn - picspam, picspam, spn - deacon, supernatural s2, supernatural, deacon

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