I have a music request for you, my dear flist: does anyone have some Tom McRae albums they'd be willing to upload? I specifically would love the song "For the Restless" (thanks
bionic!) (
obsessive24 made the most gorgeous Firefly/Serenity vid to it, and I often open up the vid just to listen to the song) but I'd also love anything else anyone has to offer, because I've loved every song I've heard by him. Also, there are so many music vids made to his music, because it's so perfect for them (I desperately want to vid the song "A Day Like Today," which was in
beerbad's Kara Thrace fanmix, because I can't listen to it without seeing some kind of visuals along with it - it *sounds* like a music video, if that makes any sense) and having more of him to listen to might aid me in future vidding song searches :) Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
And now, a few brief thoughts on my realization that I greatly prefer SGA fanon to canon. Specifically McShep fanon, but also all the little Atlantis details that have sprung up within all the stories I've read about them (and there have been MANY). Now, don't get me wrong - I love the show. I adore it, it makes me really really happy and it has a lot of rewatch value for me. But it doesn't take itself very seriously, so a lot of the nitty gritty, really thought provoking details that they could include just aren't. And so we write fic! I'm just gonna bullet point a few of the very common fanon tropes that I simply love and wish would be brought into the show.
- John Sheppard's connection to Atlantis. This was set up in the pilot, but they largely dropped the idea that John has a special level of connection to Atlantis with his peculiarly strong ATA gene. It's sort of implied, because he flies the jumpers and operates the chair, but other people can do that too. In fanon, Atlantis speaks to John; John loves Atlantis like he has never let himself love anyone. He can feel her breathe under his hands. He can make requests with his mind and she will immediately comply. It's a gorgeous symbiotic relationship.
- Rodney McKay loves symphonic music. It's incredibly mathematical, and it makes so much sense that it would be a particular pleasure for Rodney.
- A bunch of really smart people in a pretty much lawless environment with endless new technologies would immediately set up a way to produce pot. This is a given.
- Similarly, physicists are surprisingly promiscuous *g*
- John's got daddy issues out the wazoo. The details vary from fic to fic, but this is a constant.
- John also sucks at relationships with women, because he never lets himself get emotionally close. His relationship with Rodney works because neither of them expect or demand any kind of emotional openness, so they sort of meet on a middle ground where they simply have moments of emotional vulnerability sometimes, then go right back to their normal male selves. These moments are natural and necessary, not forced by "We need to talk"s.
- The Athosians! The show kinda kicked them off to the mainland and promptly forgot about them. Hell, Teyla seems to have forgotten about them! It only stands to reason that the Atlanteans would have a close give and take relationship with these people, but they are barely even mentioned in the show. In many fics, the two groups get together for celebrations and relaxation, as well as trade and partnership in various endeavors.
I swear there were many more, particularly one about Sheppard, but suffice to say that rarely is the show as emotionally fulfilling or fundamentally real as the fanfic. The exceptions are "The Return" (which had me BAWLING) and "The Tao of Rodney," which is simply the best episode of the entire series thus far, hands down. Oh, Rodney. ♥ I love the show, I do, but my love is kept burning by the incredible authors and stories in this fandom.
I got some great news about Trinity today, or rather my studying there. I went to talk to the Financial Aid office about my merit scholarship and how that was going to be applied. The cost of tuition for the program is significantly less than the amount of my scholarship, so I was wondering if I would get that extra money somehow to pay for housing. And it turns out I will! Whatever the difference is, I will get a CHECK for that amount, which will be around $7,000! And if I have costs beyond that (which I will) I can use Stafford loan money. On top of that, I'll have a good chunk of money from my research scholarship this summer, and my parents are obviously willing to contribute some. So basically, going to live and study for a year in DUBLIN is a financial RELIEF on my family. How incredible is that? Occasionally, life is awesome. :D