"Here's hoping history repeats itself."

Apr 09, 2007 17:39

Eeeeee Farscape! Eeeeee John and Aeryn! I've finished the first season and watched the second season premiere :D

This show gives me so much joy!! *hops up and down in place* From Aeryn's connection to Talyn, to Chiana being awesome and adorable, to John and D'Argo's selfless bid for their shipmates' freedom, to Crais finally becoming interesting and FINALLY BRUSHING HIS HAIR OMG, to Scorpius as a new creepy awesome villain, to JOHN AND AERYN FALLING IN LOVE - I've enjoyed every second so far, and I can tell it's only going to get better and better and better :D

Most importantly, of course... John and Aeryn. I mean. LOOK AT THEM!

(Cap from johnaeryn.com)

*swoons and makes incoherent noises of love*

Okay. Okay. Trying to actually say things here. I absolutely love how their relationship has been handled. There have been no huge declarations of love, no overblown emotional scenes - instead, their love has developed quietly, naturally... believably. Every conversation they have feels impossibly intimate, whether they're talking about their parents or a plan to save Talyn. They gravitate towards each other, physically and emotionally. And there's no attempt of denial on either of their parts, no rejection of the attraction they obviously feel, no strange need to keep themselves miserable - they're caught in a rather frightening situtaion, far away from both of their homes, and they're not pushing away this kernel of happiness they've somehow, miraculously found. It feels like how Mulder and Scully SHOULD have gone, yaknow? UST is great, sure, but 7-odd years is a bit long to drag it out. I much prefer this style *g* There's no jealousy, no anger, no bitterness between them - even when Aeryn strikes the deal with Crais, John is bewildered and hurt, but he doesn't really blame her... he simply pulls her aside for the most adorable conversation ever:

John: And how many times have we been close?
Aeryn: (embarassed, glancing at D'Argo, whispering) Just the once.
John: (surprised and quickly correcting her) No no no, not that kind of close...
Aeryn: (loudly) Oh! You mean "friend" close.
John: (awkward and amused) Yes.

salsdfksjdfl *flail flail* THEY KILL ME WITH THE CUTE. But my original point was that he just tries to talk to her, on the level, and it's so sweet. He's frustrated with what she had to do, but he comes to understand it, and doesn't truly blame her, forgives her for what she had to do, immediately. And then the end! Oh the end. With John playing with her hair and then her leaning back into the circle of his arms, and just how comfortable they are together, and how it's completely understated, just a fact of how they relate to each other - it's simply perfect. Perfect perfect perfect. Obviously they're going to hit bumps in the road, but... it's always going to come back to the fact that they love each other.


I really, really love this show, and I can't wait to dive into the second season!! :D

john/aeryn, episode reactions - farscape, farscape

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