(no subject)

Mar 12, 2007 03:35

It is so way past time for a new Supernatural episode. My enthusiasm is abating to unacceptably low levels! *angsts* I mean, I am so swept away by John and Rodney and all the shiny new fic that I haven't read that I'm pretty much reading exclusively SGA fic, and ENTIRELY McShep. Meanwhile, I have about 40 or 50 tabs of Supernatural and JSquared fic open, much of which I really SHOULD read and I know would be AWESOME, but I'm just... not motivated to at all :-/ I am so sorry to all of my marvelous talented friends who have produced amazing work recently that I just... haven't read. It is NOT a reflection on you at all, I'm just all... Winchestered out right now! It's very sad. I am woeful. But the shinynew Atlantis, both canon and fic, is distracting me. But I'm sure once we get some new canon I will be right back in the saddle! And i can't wait, because I do love our boys so. I do I do I do, oooooh!

*yawns* Tired, very tired. One more McShep fic (see!!) and then sleep!

ETA: By "one more McShep fic" I obviously mean about four fics, then finding David Hewlett's blog and reading several entries. HE'S SO FUNNY :D But yes, one and a half hours later and it is indeed 5 AM. Oops? *faceplants into bed*

stargate atlantis, random, supernatural

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