BSG 3x17 Maelstrom

Mar 07, 2007 20:25

Watching this week's BSG finally! I know something INSANE happened, so I'm kinda nervous. Making some notes halfway through so it doesn't get lost in the inevitable OMGWTF, hee.

EEEEEEE KARA AND LEEEEE! They are back where they started, just like Kara said, and THAT'S HOW I LOVE THEM! They're best friends, bantering, looking out for each other. The line that made me flail the most (even though there have been many): "I'll fly your wing." In that whole scene in the hanger, Lee's face is just so peaceful and full of love and concern for his best friend. He will always always love Starbuck, and he has such complete faith in her (which might be a mistake, right now, but it's so important because SOMEONE needs to have confidence in her, and right now that's not even herself) and it just warms the cockles of my heart. I hoped for a while there that they'd actually, yaknow, stick, but now that that whole mess is over I love where they're at. It makes me SO HAPPY.

And dude. The oracle is SHERRI from Supernatural! How funny. I didn't think she was very good for the role, but whatever. Fandom crossover ftw! \o/

I also loved Kara's scene with Adama, when she gave him the figure of Aurora. Seeing the love there was also lovely, and it makes me happy to see Kara retaking her place as honorary Adama child. Those two men are the only people she's got (well, Sam now, but I'm still not really feeling him, unfortunately) and I'm so glad to see her getting that support system back.

Helo as Kara's confidante is great too! Basically, I love Kara, I'm loving her interactions with everyone else, and I'm so worried because obviously the WTF event is going to be centered around her and Leoben and all that whatnot and I don't want all this beautiful character stuff to just vanish suddenly.

I'm really loving this episode so far. And continuing!

And now I've finished.


I am never watching this show again.

ETA: Okay fine, I'll watch it next week. But that's because grief is so fascinating to me as a process for characters. Also, I need to see Lee and Bill grieve for Kara - maybe it will give me some closure too. But I don't know that I'll ever really enjoy the show again. This show is like a battering ram, emotionally, and Kara was what kept it bearable. Even when she was going through hell, I had so much empathy for her, and it was just a sense of connection. Now that's going to be completely gone, and to be honest? I don't care what happens to the rest of them. I kind of hope Lee will be basically ruined, at least for a time, because that is the only worthy testament to her memory. I want to see Lee put her picture up on the wall... then I'm done.

episode reactions - bsg, bsg

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