Huh! Mona linked to this extensive test thing that asks you all KINDS of questions and basically gives you a breakdown of who you are in a whole lot of ways.
The Everything Test
There are many different types of tests on the internet today. Personality tests, purity tests, stereotype tests, political tests. But now, there is one test to rule them all.
Traditionally, online tests would ask certain questions about your musical tastes or clothing for a stereotype, your experiences for a purity test, or deep questions for a personality test.We're turning that upside down - all the questions affect all the results, and we've got some innovative results too! Enjoy :-)
Personality You are more logical than emotional, more concerned about self than concerned about others, more atheist than religious, more loner than dependent, more lazy than workaholic, more traditional than rebel, more engineering mind than artistic mind, more cynical than idealist, more follower than leader, and more extroverted than introverted.
As for specific personality traits, you are adventurious (100%), intellectual (80%), greedy (55%).
Stereotypes Punk Rock73%College Student63%Prep62% Life Experience Sex8%Substances19%Travel32%
Your political views would best be described as Liberal, whom you agree with around 77% of the time. Socioeconomic
Your attitude toward life best associates you with Upper Class. You make more than 0% of those who have taken this test, and 86% less than the U.S. average.
If your life was a movie, it would be rated G.
By the way, your hottness rank is 48%, hotter than 69% of other test takers.
TAKE THE TEST brought to you by
thatsurveysite *blink blink* I'm 73% punk rock? I wish! *laughs* And of course my life is G rated, who's surprised :P Although it doesn't really take into account the massive doses of gay porn I read... *cough*
There's a $10 Threadless sale! YAY! And they reprinted the shirt I've wanted FOREVER:
Blow With the Wind I went through and added all the ones I wanted, and they added up to $90 *facepalm* So I've been trying to whittle down. I'm definitely getting
Home Sweet Home - I love the gold color, and the gun reminds me of Dean's with the vine engraving on it. So pretty! I'm also getting
Rock Out With Your Cock Out. Because it has a cock on it! Hee. I like the red, and I like bands that rock out, and it will be funny to explain it to anyone who asks. :D And last but not least,
Peace and Hate: Can You Tell the Difference The design is so clever, and I like the green!
Yay for Threadless! :D If you heard about Threadless from me, could you
use this link so I get some reward dollars? That would be awesome! ♥
ETA: Thanks to whoever used the reference link! I've already got three reward dollars, yay!
I randomly started watching SGA 2x05 Condemned on YouTube. This following exchange KILLS ME. Ronon, John, and Teyla are tied up and Ronon's trying to get out and saying he wants to kill the people who did it to them. John's telling him they just need to focus on escaping. They're both very intense and growly.
Ronon: "Well if you would have returned fire- !"
John: "The weapons system was damaged!"
Ronon: "If you say so."
John: "I do say so, and right now I'm saying knock it off!"
Ronon: "Is that an order Sheppard?"
John: *humorless laugh* "I am beat up, tied up, and I couldn't order a pizza if I wanted to, but if you need it to be, yeah! It's an order."
Ronon: *simply* "Okay."
John: "Your obedience is such a turn on."
GYAH *flail flail*