An alternate ending, if you turn it off early

Mar 01, 2007 20:22

Joss Whedon is my favorite person ever. No really. I know this isn't new news, but. A Special Edition release of Serenity has been announced for this summer. YAY! I can own it in widescreen!! And yes, this is the only movie I would buy twice. Joss has this to say about the new edition:

Yes, fanlings, there is going to be a 2 disc 'Special Edition' released this summer. You know why? 'Cause the 1 disc 'Normal Edition' has sold so well -- so maybe a little self-back-patting is in order for you guys. Way to keep her in the air.

It's too early to be sure what the Special Edition will contain, but here are some things we're going for:


Cast commentary -- assuming I can get a decent number of them in one room. They're very busy people, I'm happy to say.


The region 4 goodies, obviously.

The Tam Sessions.


New Yub Yub, and Greedo shoots first. So does that kid outside the trading station, the pilot who destroyed Haven, and Kaylee. And Richard Dreyfuss goes INSIDE the mothership.


An alternate ending, if you turn it off early.

Proof of the existence of a benevolent higher power -- uh, I mean, new key art.


And honestly, what more do you want? Don't answer that, I already know and it's unseemly. But I'm pretty excited here. Back to work, -j.

Take my Yub,
Take Yub Yub,
Yub Yub tak the Yub from Meee...dichlorians....

Oh Joss. *beams* New key art, anyone? (Thank GOD) And CAST COMMENTARY YAY!

In other news, I have ordered the entire first season of Farscape. This is ALL Lindsay's fault. As well as Mona and Erin's and anyone else who's flailied to me. But mostly it is the fault of the completely hotass picture Linds posted of Ben Browder and Claudia Black the other day. ROWR! I can't wait :D And here I thought I was gonna resist the whole mainstream scifi thing and stick to the "brainy" stuff like Firefly and BSG - ha! It was only a matter of time, only a matter of time.

I also ordered Sorority Boys, because crossdressing Michael Rosenbaum is too good to pass up for 6 bucks. And I don't even watch Smallville! *hands* See what fannish osmosis can do to a girl? I also ordered The Departed at the same time *salivates* I can't wait omg.

I found out, randomly, that a good friend of mine is a country fan! So I'm going to show her Kane and hopefully she will fall head over heels and I will have a fellow Kane fan to squeal with! YAY! Hee.

I continue to listen to the new Fall Out Boy album on repeat. IT'S SO GOOD OMG. I also read two current articles about them in the bookstore today, in Rolling Stone and Spin. Pete Wentz is gorgeous, but a bit of an attention whore, lol. But he also seems pretty cool. And did I mention gorgeous? :)

Speaking of FOB, could one of my fellow fans come to my rescue? SOMEHOW I don't seem to have a copy of Sugar We're Going Down! *boggles* SO bizarre. I have all three of the albums, I do, but somehow that song is just... missing! Weeeeeird. It must have gotten lost in my new laptop move. So if someone could sendspace it to me or something, that would be awesome :D

And that's all my random for the day! Funny, not one mention of SGA or SPN o.O Who knew?

kane, movies, serenity, music, firefly, departed, bandom - fob, joss

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