How come you get to be Mr. Fantastic?

Feb 18, 2007 11:12

I've downloaded and listened to a couple season 2 SGA commentaries by Martin Gero (writer, very funny), Joe Flanigan, and David Hewlett. They are all *hilarious* together, and Joe and David banter adorably. Awww. The ones I've listened to have been for Conversion and Lost Boys, and I just died of laughter for both of them. There are so many little gems, but a couple yummy ones...

  • David mentions that he needs to get some slo-mo for his character, and Joe says "Slo-mo of you and Paul running to meet each other in a field?" HEE.

  • In The Lost Boys, there's that scene where John and Rodney have a conversation in a field, and when it starts, Martin kinda cuts off the hilarity and says: "There's a kind of... there's a warmth between you two guys that comes out - I mean, not to get all serious for a second - but you guys really do have a very nice chemisry on camera." And of course Joe and David are like "oh yes, that's hatred!" but I love that Martin points it out because it is REAL and TANGIBLE and, I mean, Rodney/John was not intentional by any means, I don't think, but Joe and David just work so *well* on screen together, that it just happened, organically, you know? I love it. Love love :D

  • They even talk about assbabies! Martin: "I've said on the record... if the world was cruel enough, to allow Brad and Robert [producers or something] to have a child, it would be David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay." Hee.

    There's so much more, but you all need to buy the S2 DVDs when they come out and watch the commentaries :)

    God. How much do I love John and Rodney speaking in their own secret language? They're on the same wavelength, so perfectly, that Zelenka has NO idea what they're talking about. And it's their brilliant plan that saves (well, ostensibly) the city! They're so adorable. And SMART. Smart boys jump up and down on my buttons, kids. Mmph. So much love.

    And also, "WHY DON'T YOU GUYS JUST MAKE OUT AND GET IT OVER WITH?" O.O I just... WHAT. WHAT. Did that ACTUALLY JUST HAPPEN? And Zelenka's just o.O and other than that it passes completely unremarked! My god. That's basically the writers going "Hello slashers! We know you're out there! We know that you take bickering to mean buttsecks!" And I die, I positively die. Heeeee. SO AWESOME.

    Ronon and Teyla were extremely background in this episode, which was sad, but I loved their one scene with John, when he compares their team to the Fantastic Four. He's like, "They were a cool team, we're a cool team!" and it's so adorable. And Ronon and Teyla are so deadpan and "wtf" - they have to be at least partly yanking John's chain, and it's so cute. Teyla's "I am not invisible." HEE. Poor John :D What an adorable scene.

    I really liked Elizabeth and Teyla's conversation. In her interview in the Cult Times, Torri Higginson said she'd like to see Liz and Teyla connecting more, because they're both these powerful women in a very male environment and they could totally bond. I liked Liz confiding her frustration and anger to Teyla, and Teyla gently trying to talk her down. That was lovely.

    I also love when Liz verbally bitchslaps people. Like the commander of the Apollo. Heehee. Girl power ftw!

    Also, dude, JEWEL STAITE WHAT? Again?? Is she going to be taking the place of Carson? HOW FUCKING AWESOME WOULD THAT BE? I didn't *love* her character in this ep, but she basically had one scene and then one brief appearance, so I am totally willing to have faith, because it's Jewel! Yay!

    Overall I really liked this episode a lot :D It was intense and climactic feeling, and I just enjoyed it a lot. I'm so sad I'm done watching! :( But as soon as Rob and I finished the finale, we went back and watched the SGA pilot! *laughs* It was so fun watching our darlings in the beginning - god, could I love John any more? No. None more. And I love how Rodney and Elizabeth warm up to John immediately, even while others are a little wary of him. I did keep expecting to see Ronon, haha.

    Baaaaasically, I love this show. ♥

    (See new icon! Awwwww, BOYS! I simply can't stop rewatching Those Scenes from Tao of Rodney - you know the ones I mean :D)
  • stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga, mcshep

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