Stargate Atlantis is LOVE. Meep.

Feb 04, 2007 21:24

So I have been PLOWING through SGA this weekend. IT'S ADDICTING. So frakking good, wow. So here are my semi-lengthy thoughts on 3x05-3x09!

3x05 Progeny

First of all, Ronon playing with the gun so easily was SO HOTASS, and also was clearly showing off for Teyla. And she looked duly impressed. Heee. Another Ronon moment in this episode was when the supposedly frozen guy grabbed Rodney, and Ronon yelled MCKAY! And leapt forward to save him. Ronon's sense of loyalty is incredible, and I love it.

Besides that, my notes have to do almost entirely with McShep :P Beginning with - Rodney: "Fortunately I'm very good with complexity." John: "And scope." HEE. I love how John backs up his boyfriend. They're such an awesome snarky tagteam. Then Rodney making fun of John for using "Ancienty", and later asking if he wants to say "UnAncienty". And when Rodney had an idea in the Jumper when they were escaping in John's vision, John was all impressed, with his "Niice." And in the same vision, when John was sacrificing himself to destroy Atlantis (oh, JOHN) Rodney is the only one to protest: "I can't let you do this, not without tossing a coin or something, it doesn't seem right!" Oh oh. I love that it's John's BRAIN that has Rodney say that. Mmmph. I love. And the HEADPOKE!! In the cell!! heeeee. Endlessly amusing. And their big argument about the minutes, and how many, Rodney, how many! Heehee. Then later, John nitpicking over Rodney's shoulder, and basically they are an old married couple, full STOP. Gosh.

3x06 The Real World

I really liked this episode. It was completely different, but I like Elizabeth plenty to be interested in a story just about her - though at the beginning, I was like ASK FOR JOHN SHEPPARD! Come on! She was so lost, the poor darling. And then we see what's really going on, and everyone's so WORRIED for her, and oh, my loves! John was particularly awesome, his absolute refusal to give up on her. And how he went in and held her hand to guide her out, even though he was exposing himself to infection - that was a gorgeous payoff on his vocalized willingness to do anything for his team a couple episodes ago. John is - fantastic. Gyah. And I really love the relationship John and Elizabeth have, it's lovely.

3x07 Common Ground

I really liked this episode a LOT. Not least because it has what is probably my favorite McShep moment so far.

*Kolya steps aside to reveal a gagged and tied John*
*Camera cuts to RODNEY, and no one else*
Rodney: "What have you done to him?"

*DIES* I had to pause the episode and just sit there staring, because, um, WOW. Rodney cares so much about John, and since he's generally not the most compassionate of people, this one moment speaks VOLUMES. It also shows that the show... people (writers, director, whatever) realize just how important John is to Rodney as well, because Rodney's reaction is the one given the emphasis. Oh god. I love, I love.

It about tore my heart out to see John getting weaker and weaker like that. *whimpers* But he was still so determined, and also had so much faith in his people. "I got a lot to go back to and I'm damn well going back to it!" Oh, JOHN. He's found such a home at Atlantis, and I love how they keep emphasizing that for each of the team members.

I loved Rodney marshalling the troops for Mission Rescue My Boyfriend. "We get in, we get our man, we get out!" And Carson's like "Uhm, shut up." and Rodney's like *sheepish* That's what John says in bed, I thought it sounded appropriate! Hee. And then, and then, when they do rescue John, and after the whole kerfluffle with the Wraith, he says "Thanks for showin up!" and he directs it RIGHT to Rodney, as he walks past him. They're so wrapped up in each other! Ohmyheart. ♥

The whole teamwork with the Wraith thing was really interesting, as was finding out that the Wraith can give back life as well! Huh. I like that they're trying to introduce some doubt into the notion of the Wraith as simply Evil. I mean, I never expect it to get extremely complex (this is SGA we're talking about) but that was a very interesting little detour. Overall, a great episode.

3x08 McKay and Mrs. Miller

HOMG. This episode was TOO PRICELESS! I'm about to rewatch parts of it so I'm going to write this BEFORE I do, or else I'll be flailing about every single second, hee.

Alterna!Rodney was just too hilarious. How different he was from our Rodney, how much *nicer*, but that just took away his Rodney...ness! It was so funny how well he and John got along (but the REAL one is still John's favorite, OBVIOUSLY) and they were playing golf! Hee! Rodney's sister Jeannie was pretty awesomesauce - brilliant, spunky, independent. Loved her. And I loved her and Rodney's reconciliation at the end, it was *so* sweet. I also loved the team being silly and fun together - I loved Ronon and Rod bumping fists! Omg! And then at the end reassuring Rodney that they really liked HIM. So cute.

Also? Rodney's name is MEREDITH. Omg. *dies* That's my little SISTER's name! heeee.

The McShep was out of CONTROL. ALL of Rod's focus was placed on what alterna!John was like, with only passing reference to the other members of the team. Clearly McShep is a pan-universal constant :D I loved that Rodney came to John to vent his confusion, in John's quarters no less! They seem so comfortable there, like it happens all the time (which it has not, on screen!) and John really manages to get Rodney to see what's really going on. It's a lovely conversation! I love that Rodney completely cockblocked when John met Jeannie, and couldn't even meet John's eyes when he did it. I love how John just can't stop ribbing Rodney about various aspects of this situation, like the name! And you just KNOW he's cooking up threesome possibilities in his head *g* I wish they hadn't cut off the golf scene, because Rod says "I could help you with that hook" and in my head that involved standing very close behind John to get his posture correct! Hee.


Awesome, awesome episode. So much love.

3x09 Phantoms

Another great episode! Sheesh. This was actually vaguely disturbing - John not recognizing Teyla even as he spoke to her; Ronon and John exchanging fire; Carson and the two dead-but-not guys. It was just done really well. I loved Teyla for saving the day with a BULLET in her leg. You go, girl.

I loved "Major Loony Toons!"

And I was SO HORRIFIED when John shot Rodney. Like, OMG. I looked like this: O.O and had my hands clapped over my mouth. HORRIFIED. *flails* I got over it, but DAMN. What a shocking moment. And then of course at the end Rodney's his normal self, all outraged: "You SHOT me!" And John's like I SAID I'M SORRY GEEZ. Oh boys.

In a nutshell? I really really REALLY love this show. Homg. I don't want to catch up because then that means I have to start waiting a week for new episodes! *poutyface* But at least there is still new stuff coming out! Gosh. I love this show. ♥

stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga, mcshep

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