(no subject)

Feb 02, 2007 23:50

Let me just say, there is absolutely nothing like seeing a movie in an audience of 100 fellow college students. It's the most reactive audience POSSIBLE. And The Departed is possibly the best movie to see in these circumstances. I just got back and holy SHIT I'm on an adrenaline high! I'd already seen it, and if you've seen it you know the end is SHOCK after SHOCK, and I was just sitting there trembling and waiting for everyone to react and it was SO COOL hearing the GASP. The SILENCE. And just sharing in the laughter and the rollercoaster of emotions that this movie causes was SO COOL. There was applause at the end, and I just - so, so awesome. THIS is what movies are. I'm not generally a huge movie person, but that... that was an incredible experience. ♥

Also, I have concluded thusly: I LOVE LEO AND MARK. *draws hearts*

Because I promised Avia, and because I LOVE THIS SHOW, here are thoughts on where I'm up to in SGA.

Most recent things first - I watched 3x03 "Irresistable" and 3x04 "Sateda" tonight. Irresistable was just HILARIOUS, omg. The cast must have had SO much fun getting to be all goofy and ridiculous and over the top. So adorable. *draws hearts* And John is my hero! *swoons*

As for Sateda, what a fantastic episode. Some surprising moments, much more outward emotion than we usually see from these people. Teyla and John's conversation made me go AWWWW! I was distracted at first because I thought they were going a John/Teyla place and I was all BZUH? But then it was just John being an adorable woobie who LOVES HIS TEAM like NOTHING ELSE, and I just -- ohmyheart! The darling! To hear him say that was just - yeah. And I thought Joe did a fantastic job, making John a bit more vulnerable, open - he was stripped of his armor of sarcasm and California Cool, and what was left was a man who's really quite lonely, and to his surprise he's found himself part of (the HEAD of) a team of extraordinary people whom he cares about so much it surprises him. I thought that was a gorgeous, touching character moment. And I really like that Teyla thanked him. (P.S. Teyla looks fucking HOT in that low cut black shirt. and John's LEATHER JACKET aslkjsdlfkjsd. Nnngh.)

Then there was Carson and Rodney's conversation, which actually made me a little irritated with Rodney, which usually doesn't happen (mostly I'm just "oh, RODNEY." and laugh) but there was some actual callousness here, and then his final line to Carson seemed like a real barb, even though Carson just laughed it off. I don't know, that scene just rubbed me the wrong way a little bit.

But then the end! When Ronon hugged Carson in thanks, and thumped his PAW on Rodney's shoulder, and it was just so sweet and and *heartclench!* They are the bestest team ever and I love them ALL.

And OH, the McShep! When Rodney got shot in the ass (LMAO. Never not funny) John immediately turned and swept Rodney away to safety. There was just something about the way he took Rodney's weight on himself that was so tender and lovely. And then! When Rodney was on the morphine, and the major was questioning him, Rodney says "Have you seen a man? He looks like you, except with messy hair... I think I lost him somewhere..." AWWWWWWWW. You know when drugged up someone's going to tell some addled version of the truth, and John is Rodney's first concern! I LOVE SO MUCH! *points at them* Best. Ever. ♥

Now, rewinding a bit.

2x19 Inferno - I remember loving it. John and Rodney fighting over the girl was just priceless. And there was grave danger and Rodney saving the day again and uhm it was intense and awesome and I don't remember details *facepalm* Except I am totally developing a Thing for Ronon/Teyla. I like how they understand each other, both being outsiders to these strange Earthlings. That may or may not have something to do with this episode, but I know they were in grave peril together, so :P

2x18 Michael - 2x20 Allies - 3x01 No Man's Land - 3x02 Misbegotten

Now, I'm lumping these all together because they essentially all deal with the same throughline - the Atlantean's new drug that converts Wraith into humans, and the various consequences thereof. I must admit I was having lots of troubling doubts about this, in terms of the morality of this plan of action. It was dismaying to see these people that I love and trust so much carrying out such a horrifying idea. If they're never going to integrate these new "humans" into their society, then what the hell is the point? Converting them only condemns them to, at best, a life of exile and ignorance of their own pasts. And obviously that never actually stuck on anyone, so they end up with a pile of pissed off Wraith reverts and one hell of a problem on their hands. It's just - a really fucking bad idea, both in terms of practicality and MORALITY. If they can get that drug into the ships - why not just a poison? Kill them fast, instead of subjecting them to that half life. Absolutely horrifying. I hate that they betrayed Michael, too, after all he did for them. And while I do like that they're treading into darker territory, it's a bit surprising in my happyshiny show. Not a bad surprising. Just surprising.

That said! I still love our guys, omg. Elizabeth pwning the panel on Earth? FTW! Rodney and Ronon stuck on the Hive ship, and Ronon taking control of the situation and generally being awesomesauce? FTW! John in general? FTW! :D One of my favorite bits was when John was looking for Rodney and Ronon on the Hive, and he says "If I know Ronon, they're somewhere they can do as much damage as they can, and McKay would know where and how to do that." And he's, of course, EXACTLY RIGHT. He knows his team SO WELL, knows that they would go out fighting, and they have the smarts to do it well. That line just made me so happy.

Random note: I really like Major Lorne. He's pretty awesome for a random supporting character.

Holy shit, John is so alpha to Ronon. It's kind of awesome. MONA I BLAME YOU.

Ahem. So yes, those are my general thoughts. Pretty much, this show rocks my socks to a ridiculous degree. Whee! I'm totally watching 3x05 before I go to bed :D

I CAVED and watched the SPN Director's Cuts, and WOW. This episode is going to blow my mind. *wibbles*

stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga, college, mcshep, movies

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