He asked me to trust him. ~~ I won't let you down.

Jan 18, 2007 01:03

I watched SGA episode 2x06 "Trinity" today, and it's definitely my favorite episode so far. Everything about it was awesomesauce, but DUDE. THE MCSHEP. *flappyhands* It couldn't be more canon.

(This is mostly stuff I said to Erin on IM. I just wanna keep it for my own looking back purposes)

After watching this episode, I realized that I was so wrapped up in squealing about McShep and how clearly gay for each other they are that I totally missed the ACTUAL relationship that the show was aiming to develop, and so the stuff in this episode really took me by surprise - I completely did not realize that John trusted Rodney that much, enough to be the only one to really back him up and follow him through on this crazy mission. It was really quite lovely. And the scene at the end, where Rodney was apologizing to him - broke my heart! And really made me realize that there IS a real emotional attachment there, a real bond growing, and that's so lovely. I mean, this obviously was a setback, but the fact that there was something TO set back, something that really meant something to both of them... yeah. I love it. I really do see Rodney and John settling down in my heart to stay. I thought this would just kind of be another fun romp, but when they start laying down true emotional ties between the boys, well then - I'm completely sold.

A little while ago, I did an OTP meme and had to say what the list said about be - and one of the main characteristics linking them all was a strong, canonical emotional bond, regardless of the type - sibling, best friend, master-apprentice, or actual romantic involvement - and I think that really is my key requirement for an OTP. Rodney and John definitely did not fit that requirement before - basically I was just squealing and flailing because they were so CUTE and BOYFRIENDY, but if this is indicative of the direction they're gonna take these two, well... SIGN ME UP FOR THE LONG HAUL! *loves*

Some favorite lines and moments from the episode:

Rodney: "I've never asked this of you before, but I think I've earned it."

John: "Let me go back with him, just him and me."
Elizabeth: "He really sold you."
John: "He asked me to trust him."
Elizabeth: *eyebrows of 'wow i knew there was something going on but usually they're a bit more subtle about it!'*

Rodney's soft and slightly humbled "I won't let you down."

And Rodney's entire apology at the end, my god. It's so IMPORTANT to him that John forgive him, and it breaks his heart that he's lost John's trust. I just... it's beautiful.

Rodney: "I've already apologized to Elizabeth, and Radek, [...] but I saved you to last, cause, um, honestly, I would- I would hate to think that recent events might have permanently... dimmed your faith in my abilities. Or your trust. At the very least, I hope I can... earn that back."
John: "That may take a while."
Rodney: *broken and almost silent* "I see."
John: "But! I'm sure you can do it. If you really really try." *John Sheppard smirk(TM)*
Rodney: *Smiles the smile of those given a second chance, a really important one. Deeply relieved, and like his heart has loosened in his chest.*

That entire exchange lends an entirely new depth to their relationship, one I was not even aware existed. This is so gratifying and heartwarming, and I can't wait to see them develop it further. I know SGA's not big on the emotional continuity, but. I'll take it if it comes in gigantic amazing gulps like this! \o/

And now off to watch 2x08! (I also watched 2x07, but it wasn't nearly as worthy of comment as Trinity, except ZOMG JEWEL STAITE IS A WRAITH! *lol*)


stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga, mcshep

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