We should really be dead now. - I don't feel dead!

Jan 13, 2007 01:42

SGA 2x02: Intruder

*Heart swells with love* WOW. I really, REALLY like this show. It makes me flail around, and is actually very unpredictable because god knows what scientific solutions Rodney's gonna come up with! I mean, you know they'll prevail, but the HOW is always so exciting. And this one just made me all squeaky and knuckle-bitey! I loved the flashbacks to the visit to Earth, and oh, POOR ELIZABETH! :( :( Her... fiance? Boyfriend? Didn't love her enough to come with her! That breaks my heart. She keeps a brave face, but inside she must be suffering terribly :( And John, oh John, he is so wracked by guilt for Aidan! He feels so responsible for everyone on his team, and to have lost one of them... even though there's nothing he could have done, and we know that, he's still beating himself up about it. *hugs him to chest* I love him, I do I do I do.

And of course, RODNEY AND JOHN ARE THE BEST BOYFRIENDS EVER. I loved that THEY were the two who went to save the day! And then they got stuck in that ship together, and I love that Rodney was along for John's heroic flight. I loved all the little moments between them, like these:

Rodney: "We should really really be dead now."
John: "I don't feel dead!"
HEEE. When the airlock alarm started going off, they turned and looked at each other and that was some EPIC EYEFUCKERY, people. EPIC, I tell you. That was the look of "Oh my love - we are about to die together (isn't that so poetic?) and I want the last thing I ever see to be you." SERIOUSLY! So romantic and I got all giggly and immediately rewound to watch again. Hee!

Rodney: "Is it just me, or is it getting a little hotter in here?"
That's what happens when you're in a very small space with your lover, Rodney dearest.

John: "You did great back there Rodney. Wanna take the stick?"
Rodney: "Really??"
John: "No!"
Well THAT has no homoerotic overtones! :D John is SUCH a top. *hearts a lot* And he loves to tease Rodney, which is just the cutest thing ever. And Rodney's perky hope, hee! I do love them so! *bounce bounce*

My love for this is so much different than Supernatural. And the experience of watching is, too. I inevitably know way too much about SPN ahead of time, so a lot of watching an episode is kind of... filling in the gaps? Which is unfortunate. But! I love Sam and Dean so much that I'm STILL on the edge of my seat, watching THEM avidly. But with SGA, I literally know nothing! It's pretty refreshing, just pure, unadulterated fun. I love it :)

PEE ESS. Is this not THE GREATEST ICON EVER TO EXIST EVER??? ♥♥♥ (made by not_a_painter)

stargate atlantis, episode reactions - sga, mcshep

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